Hello again!
This week was really good & really cold. But I think I am just used to the cold so it doesn't bother me anymore. There is still tons of snow on the ground. It was just another busy week!
Monday we went to the Hill's to set up an appointment cause they keep canceling. The mom is way less-active and does wicken. So there are like potions in her house and a witches broom. So that's a little strange, but she is normal and I really like their family! Ah I just want to start teaching them!
Tuesday we had a lesson with Jesse. We talked about the Holy Ghost & receiving revelation, asked him lots of questions. I actually tried to put him on date. He wasn't having it. He is so stubborn. He thinks we were being pushy...even though I cried in the lesson...oh Jesse. Sister Hitchcock did text us after and said that he is praying more sincerely before they read so that's good. We taught Noah. He is so cute.
Wednesday we had the missionary broadcast!! It was really good. I felt like they actually talked a lot about what our mission has been talking about - our mission President is so inspired. I learned a lot how to become a better missionary. One thing that did stand out to me that Elder Oaks said was that we are called to establish the church. And when we teach the doctrine of Christ & are doing all that we can - that is assisting to establish the church. And that our plans for the day isn't my agenda - it's the Lords agenda. They talked about how we have similar callings to Apostles - we both are witnesses of Christ. I want to try my best to represent the Savior in all I do - thoughts, words and actions. That is how I can be a witness of Christ. Oh and the brethren also announced the new schedule! So my apartment has been doing it this whole transfer - President waned us to trial it. I really like it! Basically it gives us more agency & rest as well. Oh and we have longer pdays! So some pdays I might email later so don't be surprised if I email at night. And they also got rid of 5 key indicators! - now we only have 4 #blessed. It will help us focus more on our purpose. And we don't have to do daily goals. Weird. We went to Sister Gentry's house & made snow ice cream, like ice cream made out of snow. So that was pretty cool. All 3 of our appointments canceled...sad. But we did see a less-active couple, the Shields. And she is starting to work for the Moores!
Thursday I was on exchanges with Sister Lawrence! It was a fun exchange - love her. We had a lesson with Tewana and Shenia on missionary work. It was good. We met a less-active family named the Raymonds. They are awesome & want to come back to church. It was cool cause she said that we came at the perfect time - the Lord's timing is perfect. We had a lesson with Zach. We had him teach us the plan of salvation - he got it mostly right... haha.
Friday was MLC! It was a really good MLC. We talked a lot about repentance and how to teach it. I realized that I think my favorite thing to teach is repentance. We talked about how we need to be repenting ourselves. President at the end gave a powerful testimony. Love that man. So that took all day cause we went to Payson. We did ZTM planning with the Elders then. We had a lesson with a less-active family, the Williamsons. Their son isn't a member so we are starting to teach him, he is 10 & cannot concentrate. So that's rough haha.
Saturday we had breakfast at President William's with all the missionaries in the stake. Love that family. AND Molly got baptized!!! We was such a great day! Lots of people from the ward came. Even the stake president! It was funny cause an hour before the baptism she called us and she was like "don't worry I am not canceling!" The talks were good and Joanna (investigator) came with her boys! Us and Molly walked to the baptismal font & Molly was literally jumping with joy she is so cute. The water was so low...cause it was also the 8 yr old stake baptism day. And so she had to get dunked twice. In the missionary broadcast they said "when standing in a baptismal font - we are looking at the temple." I love this. That's what I was thinking when she was standing there. I'm excited to go to the temple with her! Sister clipp & I taught the restoration while she was getting ready & we did an awesome job, just saying. We have cookies &milk afterwards. It was a good day, the Spirit was strong. The Moores bought her scriptures which I was so happy about! We had two dinners that night, the second one was with Daniel & Teara. She is not a member, he is a less-active. Anyways we asked her if she would be interested in meeting with us & she was really hesitant. She started opening up when we asked her questions. Her brother was murdered 6 months ago & it felt right to teach the plan of salvation instead of the restoration so we did. The Spirit was so strong the whole time and Teara's face was lighting up more as we taught. When we told her she chose Christ before this life, she smiled big. The truths we speak really do touch their heart to help them remember from earlier days. At the end we asked if she wanted to meet with us and she said yes
Sunday was good, Molly got confirmed!! We went to Show Low Ward right after cause the Raymonds were coming and we wanted to be there for them. We also taught sharing time in primary. That was fun. Noah had his baptismal interview & totally passed! Noah was sooo loud and outgoing in primary, which was good cause normally he is quiet. We contacted the Munoz-Arroya family. They are a PMF. We are going to start teaching them!
I read a book this week called Power to Become by Elder Bednar. It was way good. He got the phrase from D&C 11:30 that says, "But verily, verily, I say unto you, that as many as receive me, to them will I give power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on my name. Amen." Elder Bednar at the missionary broadcast actually said some things that were also in his book. He said "The power of godliness is manifest by priesthood ordinances. Get this in your head and you will not be scared to invite someone to be baptized." I loved reading this chapter. I know that we do need to enter into the gate of baptism to really gain full access to Christ's atonement & to press forward in life, having joy.
The Book reminded me of a couple quotes:
"The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts--what we have done. It is an acknowledgment of the final effect of our acts and thoughts--what we have become." - Elder Oaks
“It is one thing to know about God and another to know him. We know about him when we learn that he is a personal being in whose image man is created; when we learn that the Son is in the express image of his Father’s person; when we learn that both the Father and the Son possess certain specified attributes and powers. But we know them, in the sense of gaining eternal life, when we enjoy and experience the same things they do. To know God is to think what he thinks, to feel what he feels, to have the power he possesses, to comprehend the truths he understands, and to do what he does. Those who know God become like him, and have his kind of life, which is eternal life.” - Elder Mcconkie
I know we wouldn't be able to become like God if it wasn't for the Atonement. Elder Scott said, "He gave His life so that you can change your life." so true so true.
And Elder Holland says it best, "however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made. I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”
Remember you CAN change. Choose to change & let the Atonement change you. Have an awesome week! Love all of you!
--xo: sista fisha
Zone conference |
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icicles |
snow ice cream |
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Exchanges with Sister Lawrence |
Molly's baptism!! |
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