Monday, January 9th, 2017
What a crazy week! I took Sister Suter to the airport this morning and it was so sad! So yes we are in the valley and it is super weird. I didn't realize how much I missed the valley. We went shopping and went to chick fil a! We went to the temple today and met our trainees!! It was way fun! Yes I am training again! Hurd times a charm. I am staying in the mission home & I love it. Back to show low tomorrow though.
Monday we had a lesson with Emma Hansen. She is turning 9 soon and wants to be baptized! Her family is less-active so it's going to be hard...because we want to make sure they are active so it might take a while. We taught the restoration but we don't think she understood that much. We then had FHE with the Mora family. It was really good.
Tuesday we had a lesson with Jessica. It went really well. We followed the Spirit and changed our lesson and taught on the word of wisdom and answered her questions. It was really good. She wants to stop drinking. We then had a lesson with Jesse. He has been reading the Book of Mormon every day!! So good!! We then had a lesson with Sister Bottoms and talked about the plan of salvation.
Wednesday we had ZTM and we talked all about the Holy Ghost. It was good. But the thing I think I like most was when we talked about consecration. And that obedience isn't enough. We need to be consecrated. And consecration comes in the little things that we do. We had Sister Gulley with us and we get a text from Sister Garcia that she needed help cleaning her house. So we helped her with that. It took a while cause it was pretty bad...but I love service! We had a lesson with Molly at the Carpenter's. It went really well. She is just so easy to teach and gets it. It's crazy how prepared she is!
Thursday we went to white mountain zone's ZTM. We had another lesson with Emma. We learned that she really cannot it's gonna be a little difficult. And they don't have a car big enough to drive all their kids to church. So we need to get them rides. We had dinner with the Ramirez family and the elders were also there. I love that family. We then had a lesson with Zach. We went over the baptismal interview questions because we have taught him all the lessons! And we wanted to see where he was at. He is pretty much ready for baptism besides the marriage part. So he is doing good!! We just want to make sure he is converted.
Friday was Sisters Suter's last weekly planning. And we went to Annie's with Brother Phil for lunch. We then were in Sister Gulley's area and definitely had a miracle with a prospective elder. We then taught the Slade kids. This lesson was a lot better than last time. We taught the plan of salvation with hop scotch. It was way fun and the kids were really reverent, and the parents sat in on the lesson! Pretty much cause I asked them to though. We visited Deanna and it was a little awkward at first but then it was good. We asked her more why she stopped meeting with us. She says it's cause she doesn't agree with our belief with Adam & Eve. I guess they had a lesson on that in gospel principles but we weren't there. I think there is a bigger reason though - probably her kids. But it was really good seeing her. We then visited a less-active family named the Lambdins.
Saturday was such a good day. So idk if you remember the Fisher family that we found in Show Low 1st Ward (the ward we got moved out of). But they got baptized on Saturday!! Ahhh it was amazing! It was Howard, his son Howard and his mom Maria. Jayce, the eight year old we were teaching also got baptized! The Spirit was so beautiful and I am so glad I got to be there and see the people I love enter into a covenant with God. We were asked to give a talk on the Holy Ghost and it went well. I love the Holy Ghost and how he leads us to places we need to be at the right time. It was really cool because even though we didn't get to teach the Fishers all of the lessons, a lot of people told us that we played a huge part of his baptism. I love this work! It is so so sweet. And Jayce was so cute. His family will always have a place in my heart. One of our potentials was at the baptism so that was cool! And Sally (who I taught in Eagar) was also there!! It was so good to see her! We then got Panda Express and then rushed to a lesson with Clarise. Sister Butler came with us and it was way good. We talked about the sabbath day and church. And guess what! She went to church yesterday! She brought three of her kids and they all looked so cute!!! This is the joy of the gospel. We then had a lesson with a part member family named the Busch's. We taught Tessa (who is from the Philippines) the restoration. Sister Suter and I taught really well, but Tessa isn't ready and not willing to read the Book of Mormon. Brother Busch totally started crying though when I asked him how he felt the Holy Ghost. His son just left on a mission so I hope his heart softens more and he will want to come back & then that will open a door to teach Tessa. We then taught Jessica. We taught her the plan of salvation. And she came to church yesterday!! We then went with Sister Guevara and visited some people. After dinner we had a lesson with Tewana and Shenia and Sammy (nonmember) joined as well. We invited the Macneilles to come and it was really good. We shared the Mormon message on New Years. We had a good discussion and a lot of laughs. We then had correlation at the Moores. It was just a really great day and it was Sister Suter's last proselyting day so I think it was a blessing.
Sunday we had ward council in Show Low Ward and pretty much went to the beginning of each sacrament meeting in our wards to take attendance and greet people. We had EIGHT investigators at church!!! It was amazing! And we had a good handful of less-actives there. I was so happy!! It's days like that when I know what I am doing is so worth it. We then drove down to the valley to bring Sister Suter down. Sister Gulley and I both went down because we are training. We drove another sister down because she is got transferred down to the valley. We then had the farewell dinner with Sister Suter and Elder Procter who are leaving. It was weird cause I got to see a little of my future. It made me realize how fast these next three transfers will sad. I really do love being a missionary. Also I love the Robinsons and am so happy I get to spend a couple days with them. They are so awesome! Sister Gulley are acting like sister AP's, its way funny.
In 3 Nephi 27:20 it says, "Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day." The Holy Ghost sanctifies and cleanses us. I'm great full for Him and that He enlightens us and fills us with joy. He is one of the greatest gifts and is like our best friend. He is our constant guide and will lead us home. "The gift of the Holy Ghost is a foretaste of eternal joy and a promise of eternal life."
Anyways I love you guys!! I barely have time with all the meetings we have. So I might email individuals tomorrow while my trainee emails. Her name is Sister Clipp! She is from Oklahoma!
Talk to you later!
--xo: sista fisha
carol & charlie lewis |
adah |
girls rule. |
Channa braiding Zach's beard |
vadar |
plan of salvation hopscotch |
the fishers & jayce's baptism |
baby Raydan |
Sister Suter's last proselyting day |
Kyla's @ church |
on our way to the valley |
dropping sister suter off at the airport :( |
fashion square mall |
temple with trainees |
chick-fil-a |
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