Monday, January 16th, 2017
holy guacamole. Have I been so busy & stressed. I forgot how hard training is haha. But my trainee, Sister Clipp is awesome!! We get along great. It's just crazy cause we have been so busy that we barely have time for studies. Oh and I am STL again so yeah it's crazy. Nothing too exciting has happened and I didn't take very many pictures but I'll try to catch you up.
Tuesday we met with Trista who is a less-active 13 year old. We had a short lesson on the new year. We asked her mom who isn't a member if she would be interested in meeting with us. She wasn't oh well. We are seeing Trista again tonight and want to get the ward more involved with her. We had a relief society activity in paloma ward & it was way fun. The women are hilarious.
Wednesday we had district meeting and it was good cause we had Brother Kai, a high counselor over missionary work come and train us. It was awesome. We then had a lesson with Molly, and women from the ward came. She is in 2 Nephi! She is amazing. We then had a lesson with Christine Bottoms and then Tewana. They are both good and have been coming to church! We met with Bishop Lofgreen to get his vision. We had a lesson with Emma and very simply went over who God and Jesus are. We had our first lesson with a guy named Chris Fisher, we had it at the Ramirez house who are recent converts. It went really well!
Thursday we had a lesson with Jesse. He is the most stubborn man and idk how to get through to him. We just need to be really bold with him. He didn't come to gospel principles...he says he isn't ready but I don't believe that. He has been going to church for 20 yrs! Molly then made us lunch, she is so cute. We taught about the word of wisdom and she has already kept it for a month! Like whatttt. She is so amazing and so prepared. We then had a lesson with Zach, he is doing good. He asked for a priesthood blessing so that's pretty cool.
Friday we had a lesson with Jessica. She is doing okay but isn't reading every day but she is coming to church so that's good. We had a lesson with Joanna & taught the restoration. It went well and we brought Sister Lewis. She says she will start reading the Book of Mormon. It's sad cause her husband is holding her back. We then had a lesson with Noah and had talked about prophets. We talked about Noah & the ark. His only concern "how did all the animals on the ark not kill each other?" Haha he is so cute.
Saturday we went to Sal & Teresa's for lunch with Brother Moore to have correlation. We had another lesson with Noah. He is doing good and reading his Book of Mormon. We brought two others eleven year old boys from the Ward and they are so cute. We then had dinner and correlation with brother Willis. We visited some members and then I really felt like we should visit the hill family, pmf. They let us in & it was really good, the mom is less-active and the 3 teenagers are not members. Anyways they are open to listening and we are seeing them on Friday!
Sunday morning we met with Bishop Genet. We revised the ward mission plan. We had two ward councils & I had to leave my trainee. She was so nervous but she lasted all of church without me. I went to Paloma Ward. A YW that lives next to the Hill family & is friends with the son. She gave a talk and said how someone told her to pray for the Holy Ghost to soften the Hill boys heart & then talked about how the missionaries went over last night to his house and invited him to meet with them & he was open to it. So that was cool. We told some members about us meeting with them and they got so excited. Just pray for them please! I hope it goes well. I love getting members involved in missionary work though. We had a lesson with Molly at the Moores and it went well. It was on keeping the sabbath day holy & today when we had another lesson with her she said she didn't finish her laundry yesterday to keep it holy. So proud of that girl. We then visited some members on the ward council.
A quote I read this week that I like...
"No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable” - Elder Orson F. Whitney
& REMEMBER "we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
I'm grateful for my experiences because they have brought me to have a stronger testimony & love of my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm here because of Him. I love testifying of Him every day! I love my mission & all the amazing people I have met. I'm so glad I still have four more months.
2 Nephi 25:26 "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
It's all about Him. I hope you have an amazing week! I know I will! Dallin H. Oaks is coming to our mission Saturday!! Imma pee my pants.
--xo: sista fisha
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Sister Clipp |
I got these shirts at the thrift store cause she is in TRAINING |
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