Hello Everyone!
Oh man this week has been amazing...definitely one of the most memorable weeks on my mission cause I got to meet Elder Dallin H. Oaks!!!! It's been a crazy week so here we go.
Monday we had dinner with the Ruberts, they aren't in our ward anymore but they wanted to feed us. I love them. We then saw the Slade kids. We had a good lesson with them and brought a laurel with us. They just need to come to church! The kids prayers are always the best. We got a call from Jessica and basically she went to the valley for a bit because her husband is in jail...so that's sad.
Tuesday was good. We had a lesson with Tewana and Shenia on ways to study our scriptures. I totally made Shenia cry. We went tracting in the apartments because my companion needs practice with TTIs and such. She hates talking to people, it's actually pretty funny. We did meet a potential and we also met a less-active that wants to meet with us! We then went by some less-actives to make an appointment.
Wednesday we saw Jesse. I don't know how to get through to him! I asked him a lot of questions and he gets defensive and stubborn fast. I feel like he is fighting the Spirit or something. We had a lesson with Joanna and she read some of the Book of Mormon! We taught her the plan of salvation. She is progressing but her husband is totally holding her back which is sad. Molly then had her baptismal interview and totally passed!! She is awesome. She is keeping all of her commitments and even paid tithing on Sunday and is doing laundry and other things on Saturday to keep the sabbath day holy! She is such an example to me.
Thursday we drove to the valley a couple days early because show low was going to get a huge snow storm so President wanted us to leave early. And it's true they got like 10 inches I think. So we drove down there - & went straight to chick fil a duh! And then we had an amazing opportunity to go to the Gilbert temple!!!
Friday we had zone conference! It was really good & I learned/ was reminded a lot. We practiced teaching the restoration & it was helpful. We also talked about the Holy Ghost. What would we do without the Holy Ghost, I am not sure at all. President read John 14:16 & it stood out to me. "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." Abide means to continue without fasting or being lost. We can have the influence of the Spirit to be with us always & to not fade but be there just like He was the day we got confirmed. It rained like all Friday which I loved. At night we contacted in old town in the rain. It was a lot of fun, I was with Sister Woolbert. She is also from Seattle area!
Saturday the whole mission got together to meet Elder Oaks! Note that this is the first time our whole mission has been together since I have been out so it was really exciting. Elder Wickman of the 70 also joined him. So we were all in the gym waiting for him to come in to take a picture with him. We were singing songs to prepare. As we were singing "Called to Serve," Elder Oaks walks in & I just felt the Spirit his me so hard. I could believe there was an apostle of the Lord standing right in front of us! We then all got to shake his hand! I was smiling so big when I did! He later told us that as he did that he was looking into our eyes and that there is something in us that shines into our countenance that shows our obedience and dedication. I thought that was really cool & a huge compliment to our mission. We sang "How Firm a Foundation" to him & I could see him the whole time singing a lot with us. He was so cute! It was truly an amazing experience being able to receive counsel from an apostle. It was so inspiring. I can't put into words everything he said but I want to share some of the most inspiring for me! First he did talk about religious freedom & that if we don't have democracy then we don't have religious freedom. He talked about how this is not our mission but His mission. It's so true, it is His work according to His own time table. I know that God has been preparing me to serve His mission to help His children. He left 45 minutes for questions. Something that stood out to me is how simple the gospel is; Elder Oaks made it so simple. I think we were all looking for huge insights & answers but they were all so simple. God doesn't keep mysteries for us. He doesn't leave us alone in the dark. He said to keep your covenants and keep the commandments & you'll grow into what He wants you to become. He told us to partake of the sacrament worthily and humbly. And I love that he said love overrides everything. Charity is not what we do but what we become. Elder Oaks is so converted and dedicated. You can see & feel it. I could feel His calling & that he was a man called by God. Also I didn't realize how funny Elder Oaks is. Here are some funny quotes I have to share:
"Bald is beautiful"
"Make your questions general because I am a general authority"
"Psalm of Solomon is biblical trash"
"I can't hear women, don't put that on the internet!"
Later that day we contacted at the lake. It was such a nice day. The valley is so nice. Also I tried running after a goose - I don't recommend doing that because I almost died! I had to literally run for my life! We then went to dinner at Lo Los and had chicken and waffles. And Kari from Jerusalem ate with us! It was so fun seeing her!! We then went all the way to cave creek to proselyte.
Sunday was awesome because Sister Gulley and I got to go to our old ward for sacrament - Larkspur Ward! It was so fun seeing everyone! It honestly didn't even feel like I had left. And it was a total miracle because the Debeckendorffs were there!! We used to teach them. I guess they moved away but just moved back & they decided to come to church. It's no coincidence that we were both here! We introduced them to the missionaries serving there. God's timing truly is perfect. We drove back up the mountain & it is such a pretty drive! We had a lesson with Molly on temples. She is so cute and wants to get endowed in the salt lake temple - I'm totally going to be there. We also found 3 new investigators last night, the Martinez family! They are pretty solid & we are excited to start teaching them!
In D&C 88:67 it says, “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.” To have your eye single to the glory of God means to have your focus completely on God's purpose. This is also my purpose as a missionary which is pretty cool.
Oh & I finished the New Testament last night!! I have come to know my Savior more & I am so grateful for Him. Brother Ashton said, "The doctrine of Christ on the other hand is the means--the only means--by which we can obtain all of the blessings made available to us through Jesus’s Atonement. It is the doctrine of Christ that allows us to access the spiritual power that will lift us from our current spiritual state to a state where we can become perfected like the Savior." The doctrine of Christ is how we can access the atonement fully & to eventually live with Heavenly Father again which is the greatest gift.
I'm grateful for my mission. Every day on my mission is a monumental day. There is nothing I'd rather be doing. I hope you all have a blessed week!
--xo: sista fisha
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Gilbert Temple |
Elder Oaks & whole mission |
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Contacting around a lake |
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chicken & waffles w/ kari |
racing a lamborghini |
Scottsdale sunrise |
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Reunited with the Debeckendorffs |
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I love reading your blog and seeing the fun pictures. I'm so glad you got to hear Elder Oaks speak and go to the Gilbert Temple. You are a great missionary and an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work.