Hello everyone!!
This week was good! Noah got baptized!! Not much else really happened, same old same old! We had interviews with president this morning & got donuts so that was good. Also I've got 99 more days on my mission...double digits
Monday we visited the Raymonds, we are trying to help them get active & strengthen their faith. We also visited Sister Lambdin - a less-active. We read the Book of Mormon with her.
Tuesday was taco tuesdayyyy. Like always. We can only go for 30 mins now though. Which is better anyways. We knocked on lots of doors, no answers. Afternoons are hard. We had a lesson with Joanna! She said yes to getting baptized! We still need to work on some things with her though. She doesn't get the organization of the church - we really want to focus her on reading the Book of Mormon. She loved Molly's baptism and a lady in our ward talked to her for a while and really related with her. Basically she just needs to be an example to her kids, hopefully her husband will follow. We had a relief society activity in Show Low Ward - wow they are hilarious.
Wednesday I was on exchanges with Sister Hanson! It was a fun day with her. We taught Jesse - I think he needs time so we are probably going to drop him this week. I keep feeling like it's what we need to do. We had the best lesson with Noah - he is sooo cute. It was on temples and he was soooo excited. It was so cute. We showed him the baptismal font and he was like "it looks like a royal bath!" And at the close of the lesson he said "after this & after I get done with my homework I am going to read the whole Book of Mormon." Haha he loves the gospel. We then had a lesson with Molly. She is awesome - she got her temple recommend yesterday! And she bore her testimony during the sacrament, as well as her 7 yr old daughter. So cute!
Thursday morning we went to the Whipple's & had biscuits &gravy for groundhogs day. They do it every year and the whole town is invited. So it is a huge deal. We then had ZTM & Sis Israelsen & I did our trainings, it went well. We then had to drive all the way over to Taylor to get our phone...haha Sister Hanson took it to Taylor on accident. We had another lesson with Noah. We had a lesson with Zach - it was good. He really wants to get baptized. He is becoming more converted that's for sure.
Friday - weekly planning! We saw Jessica Mejia. She is moving to Tucson soon. She came to church with her kids this week so that was awesome. We then had a lesson with the Slade kids. We then had some trouble with scheduling of things for Noah's baptism but it all worked out. It was very stressful though.
Saturday we were asked to go to the pinewood derby. It was so intense - I'd never been to one before. We then did service for the nonmember and her daughter. Her daughter actually had taken the discussions before. They are both willing to meet with missionaries! So that was cool. They aren't in our area though. We went to lunch with Brother Phil and Jackie. And then Noah got baptized!!! It was stressful before but once I got to the church it was so peaceful. I think it was one of the most peaceful baptisms I had been to. It was small - people still came to support Noah & his brother though. It was pretty perfect, Noah had been waiting for this moment for a while. His confirmation blessing was very cool - I hope he goes on a mission one day! We had eaten so muchhhhh that day that after dinner we had to go home because my companion thought she was going to throw up, she didn't but it was close. Things we have to suffer as missionaries - food.
Sunday was good. Normal day pretty much. It was rough with everyone watching the super bowl but we did get into a few houses. People are so crazy on this day!
I started Jesus the Christ last week. I've been wanting to read it for so long but was so hesitant because it's so long & hard to understand. But I really like it!! I'm going to try to read it before general conference. (Side note I can't wait for gc!!)
Last conference, Elder Renlund said, “We may be perfected by repeatedly and iteratively exercising faith in Christ, repenting, partaking of the sacrament to renew the covenants and blessings of baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost as a constant companion to a greater degree. As we do so, we become more like Christ and are able to endure to the end, with all that that entails.”
I'm so grateful for the doctrine of Christ & that I have a knowledge of it because of the restoration. At the missionary broadcast Elder Bednar really talked about how it's not just a checklist. They are all gathered together in one. And when they are tied together, there is power & lasting conversion.
A scripture I came across this week that I like:
"O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee in Christ. Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee” (Alma 31:34–35)
I love this gospel & that I have a chance to bring precious souls unto Christ every day. Have a happy week! Love you all
--xo: sista fisha
my baby |
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Exchanges with Sister Hanson |
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Jessica |
Girl Scout cookies |
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Noah's baptism |
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