Yes today is galentines day (day before Valentine's Day), if you watch parks & rec you know what I am talking about.
Still here in Show Low. I've been in the mountains foreverrrr, it has been way nice weather here though. Like warm, like I don't need to wear tights. Someone told me this week though that my legs need to see some sun...so that was nice. But yeah I am white. It's what being on a mission does to you. I can't really think of anything exciting that happened this week so I will try not to bore you.
Monday we saw the Raymonds and Trista Brewer. We found out today though that she isn't in any of our wards though...struggle.
Tuesday we dropped Jesse, which was sad. We will still see him at church though. It's just all on his timing though. We visited Tewana, we are gonna see her less cause she is pretty active now which is awesome. Clarise canceled...so we saw the Shields. They really just aren't ready to come back to church sadly.
Wednesday we saw Joanna. She didn't read the Book of Mormon so we read with her. She has some pretty good fellowship which is good. We also saw Molly. She went to the valley this weekend to tell her parents she got baptized so I hope that all goes well. She is awesome.
Thursday I was on exchanges with Sister Israelsen! So that was fun. Lots of knocking doors and no one answering. We had some good adventures though. We did see Jessica, I think we are seeing her this week before she moves as well. We showed up to Emma's lesson with a member but she wasn't home...we then had a lesson with Zach, he is doing well!
Friday was a good day. We saw the Williamsons and Aidan is cute and really smart. He liked the Book of Mormon, he was like yeah I already know it is true! We then saw the Slade kids and Sister Willis came with us.
Saturday we saw a guy named Kirby. He was a member referral so we thought he wasn't a member. Turns out he is! Haha welcome to Arizona. He doesn't remember anything though really. We taught him the restoration, he really liked our visit. We had a good conversation. His fiancé isn't a member and he just got out of rehab. He has totally changed his life around. We had a valentines dance in Show Low Ward, so we helped them with that. It was way fun and there were some nonmembers!
Sunday we gave talks in church! On charity/missionary work. It went well I think. Kirby and his fiancé came!! It was so awesome! I think he really liked it! Idk about her though. I'm really excited to work with Kirby. He really likes us, he says people have been trying to get him to church for years, but we are the only ones who have got him here.
Since it's Valentine's Day tomorrow here is a quote about love!
“Love … is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yet it is more than the end of the rainbow. Love is at the beginning also, and from it springs the beauty that arches across the sky on a stormy day. Love is the security for which children weep, the yearning of youth, the adhesive that binds marriage, and the lubricant that prevents devastating friction in the home; it is the peace of old age, the sunlight of hope shining through death. How rich are those who enjoy it in their associations with family, friends, church, and neighbors.” - President Hinckley
In Matthew 22:36- 39 one of the Pharisees asked Christ, "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
Loving Him is the first great commandment. When we love Him, we will want to keep His Commandments. We share the gospel because we love Him. When we love Him - we will keep the 2nd greatest commandment as well.
I love my Savior & my Heavenly Father. I feel like the least I can do is share His message with others. God has given me so much, it's why I am here, because I love Him, His love motivates me every day.
Have an amazing week & happy Valentine's Day! I love you all
"For God so loVed the world
that he gAve
his onLy begotten Son
that whosoEver believeth
iN him
should noT
perIsh but
have everlastiNg
-John 3:16
--xo: sista fisha
iN him
should noT
perIsh but
have everlastiNg
-John 3:16
--xo: sista fisha
Hitchcocks |
exchanges w/ sis israelsen |
valentines dance |
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galentine's day |
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