Hi friends.
This week was pretty good! The beginning of the week was a little hard, none of our investigators are progressing and we have been working really hard to find new investigators but not a lot of luck. This weekend we found 3 though! We had a mini-missionary this week named Sister Layton & it was so fun to have her. I tried my best to have Sister Clipp lead and she did awesome. She is coming out of her shell more. This week is transfers but don't worry Sister Clipp and I are still staying here! Weird I only have two transfers left.
Monday not a lot happened, we set up some appointments with some people. We also talked to Haley's mom a bit who is a less-active.
Tuesday was a good Valentine's Day! We had taco Tuesday with brother Duncan. We then had service in Linden but they were so late - so while we were waiting we took pics with cows. We went to Haley's because she had something for us - chocolate covered strawberries! Yum, she is so cute. We heart attacked some people we taught and brought them cookies, it was a lot of fun. We had dinner at the Rubert's, the Elders were there as well - what a romantic dinner. We had a lesson with Kirby - it didn't go as well as I would have hoped. He is willing to meet and is open but just has some really strange views. I had to hold my tongue a lot haha. He doesn't think the Book of Mormon is true and is skeptical of it. He can't get an answer if it is true if he is like that. We will see how our next lesson goes.
Wednesday we had district meeting, it was good. We visited Bonnie, she is so funny. She insisted on giving us money - a roll of quarters equaling $10. Haha it's awkward when people give us money because they get mad if you decline. We knocked on lots of doors this day. I'm just praying a lot for the faith to find.
Thursday we had a lesson with a guy named TJ, he is a less-active that we met knocking doors. He is wanting to get back to church! He doesn't know if he wants to go to singles ward yet. That night we did some family history work with Molly!
Friday we had a lesson with Noah. It was really good. We watched the restoration video with him and he said he loved it. He is so cute. We had another boy his age named Ryker come. They got a long great so that's good. We really just want Noah to have friends! Noah also talked about how he knows the Book of Mormon is true, it was really cute. We then picked up our mini- missionary! She came from the valley!
Saturday for exercise we did district sports. We then had our first lesson with the Munoz-Arroyo kids. It went well and they committed to baptism! I don't think the dad will let them get baptized but we shall see. We can't teach them sadly though -- we are passing them off to the Spanish Elders because they understand it better. They are cute though. Zoe started crying in her closing prayer, it was sweet. We had a lesson with Tewana on revelation, it was good. We decided to knock doors on this on street, the first door we went to a man was getting out of his car. He had just driven from California to pick up this cute puppy. He tells us he was baptized when he was 21 which was 50 years ago. Anyways we are hoping to get him active! He was a really nice guy.
Sunday we last minute had to go to PEC. Sister Layton & I went to Paloma Ward. Molly gave a really awesome testimony in gospel principles, she started crying it was the cutest thing. She talked about how much the gospel/ church has helped her. I just feel like God's timing is perfect and she found it at a perfect time. Im so glad that I got to be the one here for it all. It's moments like that - that make me realize this is why I am here and the hard times are worth it, even if I save one sheep. I was sitting in relief society and the relief society was in the hallway & called me out. There was a woman from another ward and she had an awesome referral for us! We went over after church and she is totally interested! I'm so excited! Her name is Rebecca! I feel like getting that referral was totally a tender mercy. I know that when we are trying our best, God will bless our efforts. We then dropped off our mini- missionary, sad. It was so fun having her here, she would make a great missionary! We had a lesson with the Tsosies and it was actually really good. They were at church & asked if we could see them that day.
Here are some great quotes that I have been thinking of from last genconf!
"God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever, but what it means for each of us depends on how we respond to His love" - Elder Christofferson
"Every moment of precious prayer can be holy time spent with our Father." - Sister McConkie
I have really come to love praying on my mission, I'm not always the best at it. But I am truly grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that listens to my problems and helps me through them. I know His love is infinite & lasts forever. I'm grateful for my relationship with Him.
Proverbs 3:18 "She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her."
I found that scripture this week & I like it! Hope you have a happy week!
--xo: sista fisha
Taco Tuesday with Brother Duncan |
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Me and cows |
happy valentines to me |
We heart attacked people! |
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Our mini-missionary! |
The Rim with Molly & her kids |
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