Hello friends & fam!
Life is going good! I love being a missionary & I'm so happy! I'm so grateful for this gospel so much. It's been a good week! I only have a month left though.
Monday we finally saw TJ, he is a less-active. He said he will go to church before I leave! So we will see...we visited Trista Brewer. We shared with them the Easter video (we have been sharing that with everyone). One of our members called us with a referral which was awesome!
Tuesday we knocked on a lot of doors, some people let us in but weren't interested. People are really nice here, well for the most part haha. We got to share the Easter video with some people on the street or in their home. We had a lesson with the Diromas, they are converts and just got sealed 6 months ago!
Wednesday we had ZTM, it was good. Sometimes especially for me it's just the same things repeated. But we got an email that night that we will not have any more ZTMs! Wahoo! So that was my last one. I shouldn't be so happy about that but I'd rather go and work than sit in a meeting. But yeah ZTM was good & I think it was just the right things I needed to hear. There is also a new LDS video app & you can download even more videos like from lds.org & it's so great! Missionaries get so excited about these things. We had a follow up lesson with Jackie & read the Book of Mormon with her. She loves us. We had a lesson with the Lambdins (less-active family).
Thursday we knocked some doors on the trailer park & there was this guy waiting outside his house for a ride. We talk to him and he doesn't know much about Jesus or God. We share the Easter video with him and got a return appointment for tonight! We will see how it goes! He might have been on drugs...we visited the Franks. They aren't active cause they have a lot of health problems. We visited Joanna to see how she is doing, sadly she hasn't been reading or praying since meeting with us. She feels bad and wants to though. We saw the Coles and had a good lesson with them. We also had a lesson with Zach.
Friday we saw the Raymonds and shared the Easter video. They said they would come to church but didn't. We saw Hillary & Jim. They are a part member family and his kids were there and they didn't know who God or Jesus was. So Jim was like okay we are going to church!!! So they came to church yesterday!! Hillary even got up and sang with the choir!! Haha even though she didn't practice with them. She is funny. But they all looked nice and it was cool to see.
Saturday we saw Bonnie. It's always entertaining seeing her. We saw Darlene Adams, she isn't active due to health. We got three referrals that day from members so that was awesome. We had correlation at the Moores and made resurrection cookies with them!
Sunday was awesome cause it was Easter! We had 9 investigators at church!! It was also the last day of the 40 day fast! We have definitely seen a lot of miracles from it. Some members brought nonmembers & that was awesome. We had two dinners so that was rough. Members love us almost too much. We brought home so many leftovers. Like I seriously thought I was going to die. It felt worse than thanksgiving. I'm still so full. We had a lesson with Ashley, she isn't active. We taught the restoration, she thinks the Book of Mormon is really confusing. So we are going to go slow and read it with her.
I've been reading the doctrine & covenants cause I wanted to read it one more time before I end my mission. I came across this scripture that I really like. And then Sister Clipp & I are starting to memorize The Living Christ! We are half way done by the way. Anyways this scripture was in it so I might as well share it with you all.
"And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that He is the Only Begotten of the Father. That by Him, and through Him, and of Him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God." (D&C 76:22–24)
And I've been reading last conference's talks & I like these quotes.
"We are children of God. Receiving light, continuing in God, and receiving more light are what we are created to do. From the very beginning, we followed the light; we followed our Heavenly Father and His plan. Seeking the light is in our spiritual DNA." - Elder Bragg
"I testify there is no greater goal in mortality than to live eternally with our Heavenly Parents and our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. But it is more than just our goal--it is also Their goal. They have a perfect love for us, more powerful than we can even begin to comprehend. They are totally, completely, eternally aligned with us. We are Their work. Our glory is Their glory. More than anything else, They want us to come home--to return and receive eternal happiness in Their presence." - Elder Ballard
I know that this is true. God loves us, we are his divine children. He hears our prayers & wants us to return back to Him. Jesus Christ died for us so that we can have second chances. He rose from the grave & we will rise again too. He is the light. He is my Savior and my dear older brother. His gospel is so wonderful to me.
--xo: sista fisha
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Sis Clipp |
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peeps |
happy birthday charlie |
weekly planning... |
happy easter |
leftovers... |
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