Monday, April 10th, 2017
Weeks are flying by & life is good. Really though I don't even know what happened this week. Thank goodness I write in my journal. Oh I was sick all week with a cold so that was fun. I still went out cause what else would I do.
Monday we had really nothing going on & nothing really happened, just dropped by some people's houses.
Tuesday we visited Haley & the cable guy and her mom who aren't members were both there! We shared the Easter video with them. We later got a text from Haley and she said the cable guy wanted to ask me if I would date him after the mission...Sister Clipp thought it was the funniest thing ever. We visited some more people. We got to hold baby goats! I met my great grand baby!! Sister Ames is training her, her name is Sister Prellwitz.
Wednesday was a pretty awesome day! In the morning we contacted a referral named Amy. We went to her work that's in Show Low but sadly she lives in Lakeside but she isn't in our area. It was weird though cause I walked in & she was like remember me? I was trying so hard to remember how I knew her. She said I came and shared a message once cause she used to live in our area. But really I have met so many people on my mission it is a blur. Anyways she asked us for a Book of Mormon. We told her it will bring her peace, she is going through A LOT. Right now. Her husband is in prison, child is in the hospital and she has cancer. We shared the new Easter video with her. She was crying the whole time. She is so prepared but we had to hand her off to the Elders! We had a lesson with Robert and Jackie. The kids weren't there so it was good to focus on them. I was just like are you guys getting married?? They are like actually we decided last week. They are getting married May 27! I'm so sad I can't go! They are like family. They are like you're missing it by 10 days! Well hopefully I can go to their sealing someday! Jackie said she has been praying more since meeting with us and she said we have influenced her about getting married so she blames it on us haha. It was cool though cause we hadn't even brought up marriage though. God works in mysterious ways. I definitely know that when we are closer to God, our desire to repent increases. Bishop is marrying them by some lake. And then I just pulled out the law of chastity pamphlet & it was pretty funny. Another one of our investigators is getting married this month too! It's hard making appointments with him though cause he is so busy and his phone doesn't work. We had dinner at the Lewises & our former investigator Deanna came! Remember her? We had steak AND ribs. They love to spoil us. We had a lesson with Addi. She is so cute. We taught the plan of salvation. We had to go & she really didn't want us to leave. She asked her mom, "mom can we keep them?" Ah I love kids. Then one of the older girls came home & asked what we did. The littlest girl says "they made love!" Hahaha. Because my plan of salvation cut out spells love. We then visited lots of members & invited them to do the 40 day fast. It's the last week of it.
Thursday we went to a lot of old people's houses. Old people are the only ones home during the day! We did some service for them and heard their cool conversion stories. Haha I love old people. We had a lesson with Zach. He showed us the ring!! He was supposed to propose this weekend but we haven't heard anything yet.
Friday we had a lesson with Emma & the Solomons came with us so that was good. We were supposed to have a lesson with Duane but he never got back to us! He is MIA :( we had a good lesson with Noah. Then we had a lesson with Clarice. We read Alma 32 with her. She hasn't drank coffee in a week! We had a lesson with Molly. She had a crazy day that day. She got in a car accident & lots of other stuff happened. Poor Molly.
Saturday the stake put on a steak lunch for the recent converts in the stake. It was so awesome! And our Mission President came! Our investigator family also came and then family that is fellowshipping them. Most of our converts came from the last two years. I could not cut my steak with a butter knife, I finally got a piece and it flung off my fork into another persons cup
Sunday was stake conference. Robert brought the kids which was awesome. President Williams talked about family history, I really need to do better at that when I'm home. Someone also said "Satan knows our name but calls us by our sin, Christ knows our sin but calls us by our name." I really liked that & its so true. After church we knocked on lots of doors. We met some interesting people but they were interested. We had a lesson with the Coles. Sister Maxwell came with us. We had a first lesson with a less-active family named the Beecrofts. It went really well. We just stopped by and shared an Easter message. They used to be active, they said they will come to church on Easter!
I love this quote from conference by President Nelson, "There is no amorphous entity called “the Atonement” upon which we may call for succor, healing, forgiveness, or power. Jesus Christ is the source. Sacred terms such as Atonement and Resurrection describe what the Savior did, according to the Father’s plan, so that we may live with hope in this life and gain eternal life in the world to come. The Savior’s atoning sacrifice--the central act of all human history--is best understood and appreciated when we expressly and clearly connect it to Him." It because of Jesus Christ that we can have this power in our life.
Moroni 7:41 "And what is it that ye shall hope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the Atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise."
It's because of Him that we can have hope! So the initiative this year for Easter is the #PRINCEofPEACE. If you haven't seen it yet go to & there is also more videos on principles of peace that are really good so you should all check it out! I know that our Savior lives. Because He lives, we will all live again too. His life brought us peace. His peace is eternal. No matter what is going on in your life, I know you can have peace & happiness.
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:26–27)
--xo: sista fisha
puppy! |
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baby goats! |
late night pie |
Threlkeld girls |
comp time |
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