YUP. That's right! I'm staying in the mountains to die! I'm not getting transferred! And Sister Clipp is staying with me! She gets to kill me! Sister Ames is training so I get to have a great grand baby!! Life is just good! But it needs to start slowing down. Like I started my plan today! Which is a think you have to do your last six weeks. I'm excited to work my hardest these next six weeks!
Monday we had dinner at the Lewises. I love them. They are amazing. We knocked a bunch of doors but not much happened. We tried a former but she moved and the person living there wasn't interested. I felt like we should knock next door. A woman answered and she was really nice. She isn't a member but has taken the lessons before because her husband is a less-active. She said she would talk to her husband about it. She did seem interested but her husband isn't really interested we later found out.
Tuesday we visited the Hitchcocks & they are still reading their Book of Mormon! We visited some other people. While we were in an apartment complex, there were two guys standing outside their car smoking so we started talking to them. They were really nice and it turns out they were visiting their in-laws who are members in our ward! Anyways they didn't know much about missionaries but when we asked if they wanted to meet with some in New Mexico (where they are from), they didn't hesitate at all! It was pretty awesome! I haven't had much luck with people being interested on the street. Too bad they aren't in the area but I hope all goes well in New Mexico! We met his less-active 12 year-old knocking doors as well. So we are going to try to help get her active. Sadly her mom isn't into it really and is always gone.
Wednesday we had district meeting, Sister Clipp and I had to do a role play in front of everyone. It actually went really well! We knocked on a lot of doors and met some crazy people. But what's new. We did meet a former who is interested but she is always busy so we will try to meet with her! We had a first lesson with a less-active family named the Letners. They have the CUTEST kids ever, I'm super excited to start working with them. They don't know too much about the gospel. They went to Utah for spring break to visit an active sister and had a good experience on temple square.
Thursday we saw Bonnie. We are trying to help her get to the temple. We also saw Sister Cornejo. She got baptized two years ago. She is super cute and from Mexico. Our investigator, Jackie, fed us dinner that night! So we got to bond more with their family, I just love them!
Friday it snowed a little bit in the morning...when will it end! There is a recent convert that just moved into our ward named Joyce. We had an appointment with her. As we were walking inside the house there was a man leaving. I asked his name and introduced myself. His name is Dwayne, he walked out though. A few minutes later he asked if he can join and listen in. He said something told him to come back and hear what they have to say. So cool! He is already listening to promptings! Anyways we got to know him better. He has had a rough past. He is covered in tattoos and is worried what people will think. Luckily Joyce was amazing and was telling him how nice the people are and how welcoming. Joyce also lives with her granddaughter Tanna and she was good as well. Dwayne wants to know God better. He said he has looked into a lot of religions. The amazing part is that he is actually in our area! Miracle! So we are going to start teaching him! We gave him a Book of Mormon to start reading. We invited him to the church to watch conference with us, he said he would think about it. A few hours later he texted us and said that he thought about it and he wants to come to conference with us! We also saw a less-active little girl and finally got to meet her mom so we can figure out rides for church for Enaula, which was a miracle! We had a really good lesson with Noah. He is adorable. We gave him a temple recommend holder that has stripling warriors on the front. We told him the story and how he reminded us of them. He got so excited and was wanting to read about them in the Book of Mormon. He told us a little story about how he was reading the Book of Mormon, he could feel the Spirit SO strong. His mom a little bit after asked who wanted to help clean the kitchen. He said he jumped up and said "I will!" He then said to us "when I feel the spirit I feel like I can do anything." So cute. We talked about repentance and he says he has like a mental checklist of what he needs to repent of throughout the week. He said he really wants to be saved. We then had a lesson with Zach. He slipped up on the word of wisdom this week...he feels really bad for it. He really wants to keep the Commandments which is awesome.
Saturday we watched the morning session of general conference at the Ramirez home. Conference was just what I needed. The Ramirez got donuts and then they made us lunch afterward. We then went to white mountain lake (my old area!) to go to our investigator's daughter's birthday party. The house had ferrets- I got to hold a ferret! We then watched the afternoon session with Debbie Hall. She is awesome. We then had a little drop by lesson with a less-active family, the Muros. Her husband wasn't home though.
Sunday we watched the morning session with Jackie and Robert and their kids! They made us a huge breakfast! We played conference bingo with the kids. It was a lot of fun. They seemed to like conference. We watched the afternoon session at the church with Dwayne!! We invited the Willises to come so he could meet someone from the ward! Which was good cause there were like only ten other people that came to the church to watch it. Dwayne was a bit late but he came!!!! And oh my goodness Elder Costa's talk directed to non-members was perfect for him! I love when they do talks directed to non-members! A lot of the other talks that session were perfect for him as well. It was just so awesome! I love general conference. I feel so grateful to be a part of His church. Later we had a lesson with the Williamsons and showed them the new Easter video. We also had a first lesson with a less-active we found named Ashley. She doesn't know that the church is true so we are going to start working with her.
I have started the doctrine and covenants & I am reading it with the institute manual this time. I ran across this quote from it and I liked it. It's on prayer, oh how I love prayer!
"It is not the words we use particularly that constitute prayer. Prayer does not consist of words, altogether. True, faithful, earnest prayer consists more in the feeling that rises from the heart and from the inward desire of our spirits to supplicate the Lord in humility and in faith, that we may receive his blessings.” - Joseph F Smith
“If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all [who] humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:27).
I loved what President Eyring said about this scripture in women's conference, "these words can be a comfort to all of us. Those who do not see their weaknesses do not progress. Your awareness of your weakness is a blessing as it helps you remain humble and keeps you turning to the Savior. The Spirit not only comforts you, but He is also the agent by which the Atonement works a change in your very nature. Then weak things become strong."
There was so much good stuff from conference. One of my favorite parts of conference is hearing the speakers bear testimony of Jesus Christ. The Prophet Joseph Smith said “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.” So true so true.
I love how Elder Cook said general conference is to build our faith in Christ. I know mine has grown. Elder Holland's was of course amazing. He always makes us all feel so loved. We are sons & daughters of a Heavenly Father. I'm grateful to make and keep covenants with Him. Our covenants bind us to heaven. I also loved Elder Choi's talk and when he said "look up to heaven & you will be strengthened to open your mouth." It's so true. I have had to look up to heaven when I am teaching and finding. He helps me know what questions to ask and what to say. I loved President Uchtdorf's talk about perfect love casteth out fear. Christ's perfect love gives us the confidence to overcome our fears. Maybe one of my favorite talks was by Elder Palmer. I loved how he talked about the rich young ruler. And how because Jesus loved him, he asked even more of him. Sacrifices really do refine us and bring us to God. I love how he talked about love and charity. Our love should never be withdrawn if someone has gone astray. We should love them for who they can become. I love how he said an invitation to repent is an invitation to receive love & peace. I also loved when Elder Grow said "scripture study becomes the channel for the spirit & when you pray with faith, you will feel God's love as His Spirit speaks to your soul."
The most special talk to me was by our Prophet, Thomas S. Monson. His testimony of the Book of Mormon is so powerful & strong. I know that President Monson is God's prophet today and speaks the words of God. I hope that we all give head to his word, & read the Book of Mormon every day. I know it will carry us to our Savior. I'm grateful every day for serving His mission.
--xo: sista fisha
p.s. sorry this is a novel
Joanna |
who wants to be baptized |
Teara, Holly Kay, and Daniel |
my life |
It has been so fun following you along on your mission through this blog. I'm so proud of you and all your hard work. Your testimony has grown and strengthened so many including my own. I enjoyed reading about your favorite conference talks too.