TEN MONTHS. I've made it to the double digits. I still feel like I just got here though. It's funny though cause when I tell someone how long I have been out, they tell me I am just getting my feet wet. Maybe true but I am over half way done with my mission and that makes me sad! So yeah Eagar is pretty much skunk central. it's so weird. I've never seen so many skunks. And when you come out at night from an appointment and smell skunk you pretty much just run to the car in fear
Monday we had a lesson with a potential investigator, her name is Naomi. Cody Garcia came with us. Her husband was getting ready for a hunt (everyone goes hunting here!) so he didn't listen in. But it was really good. She really does seem interested but her husband doesn't. She said she would talk to her husband about it and let us know. Which makes total sense cause we don't want to cause conflict. We saw Dave & Haley and they are doing good. Haley signed up for seminary and that was a miracle!!!
Tuesday we got special permission to go to the temple. Sister Chausow's anxiety was bad so we got to go! It was really great, I think I needed it too. There is such a special spirit in the celestial room. We then got Taco Bell afterwards and ahh I missed tbell. We then went to Jerry's and he was outside with a friend. Jerry is awesome and talks to him about the gospel. Long story short we gave him a Book of Mormon and restoration pamphlet! I love giving out book of Mormons on the street. He isn't in our area but the sisters are going to go see him! We then had a relief society activity in third Ward. That was really fun. We then did service for Stacy (former investigator) and helped her cut out things for her class. We then went and saw Haylie. She is just so solid and awesome. I love lessons with her.
Wednesday we had district meeting, wahoo! We saw the Tisdells, they are doing good. We then had our last lesson with Gaylon before his baptism!! We read 2 nephi 31 with him and he was just so ready for baptism. I don't know how he handles us because we were SO excited for his baptism. The activity for the yw in 1st Ward was to come on splits with the sister missionaries! Yay! That was so good. I went with Ashton and Abby and we went to the Rivera's. I was pretty bold with them. She isn't paying her tithing and I told her that she isn't receiving specific blessings because of it. She said that she hasn't had anything bad happen to her the last few years so she things it is fine, I'm like that's not how it works! Haha but anyways it was good. We then had a lesson with Daryl. We have been sending him scriptures/ stories on repentance and it has been really good for him. I can't put into words how much I love that man, AND he was at church today! Also Cody Garcia sat by him. I'm trying to play match maker. It's my favorite thing to do on a mission. Since I can't date, I make others do it.
Thursday we saw Cyndie! I really just love her and her sweet spirit. We went to the Shupes, they are an older couple so they can't make it to church. We always have to yell in their lessons so that's entertaining. We then found a less-active named Marilyn. She is also old. Yeah we visit a lot of old people. Probably cause they are always home and easy to see! Haha but she is funny and stubborn and says she doesn't like church. We had dinner with the Gleaves, I love that family!! I wish I could just live with them. No joke. They are a hoot. During dinner their neighbors across from them had a million cop cars and ambulances so that was entertaining. Dinner & a show. It was so intense. We then had a hand off lesson with the other sisters but Wes didn't answer his door! We then went to see the Armijos! Brylee was there so we had a lesson with her. I really do love the Armijos, they just need to get their act together. I think when church is at 11 they will go more.
Friday was weekly planning and DQ, the usual. We helped Sister Pulsipher with her classroom at the middle school. We then saw Sister Markley. She is doing so good. She isn't really less active anymore but our visits are really good for her. I don't know but like no one was home but we didn't get to talk to a couple people.
Saturday Gaylon got BAPTIZED!! Ahh it was the best day ever. I seriously have never been so excited for a baptism. He shows up and forgets his extra clothes and towel of course! So he runs home to get it haha. Everything went really well though. The Spirit was sooo strong. He was pretty nervous before but when he came back out, I asked him how he felt and he said "I don't feel nervous no more." Haha. The talks were amazing and there were so many less-actives and nonmembers there! In fact we might even start teaching this one girl who was there. Gaylon said she felt the Spirit! How cool! Gaylon's already an excellent missionary. Gaylon was crying throughout the whole thing. It never felt like the day was coming but I know without prayers of you, the Ward, and our zone (missionaries), Gaylon would not be a member of the church right now. I know that prayer works. And I know that we have to have faith along with prayer. It was just an amazing baptism and Lenna brought SO much food! He then texted us last night, "I have never felt like this before," so cute! We went to this volunteer thing at the dome to look for service projects. There were so many! But I love service! Angie Nelson (less-active) was sick and needed her bathroom painted before Tuesday, so we said we would help her. We got it done in three hours and I am really impressed with myself! It looked way good. We had a lesson with the Powers (potential investigators). Alissa came with us and it was pretty good. We taught them the plan of salvation. They go to their own church but let us come over. He seems more interested than her but we will see! She was asking us pretty hard questions so good thing for the Holy Ghost! It was cool though cause you could tell he really liked our message.
Sunday was good! Gaylon got confirmed!! I love sitting by him at church & listening to him sing hymns. It's the cutest. He said that during the prayer in priesthood he felt a hand on his shoulder. I thought that was really cool. Ah I love being a missionary! Sally brought Quincy (investigator) to church and it was the cutest thing ever. We saw Dave Jr and the fam, I love them so much. We then had dinner with all the hamblin gang. There are so many of them but it was so fun. We saw Dave Sr and he is doing good. We talked about getting the Melchezidic priesthood. I just love him. We saw Erin Cordova. Dakota was there! He is dating Erin's daughter Megan. Haha he is kind of our investigator, well we tried to give him to the elders but the elders haven't taught him yet. So we might just keep him cause I think he wants to go to a family ward anyways. But I asked him how he is feeling about the Book of Mormon and he says he knows it's true! I'm like sweet when do you wanna get baptized? Haha we asked him to pray about September 24th. So that was a good surprise lesson with him.
I have finally made it to Alma in the Book of Mormon! I was reading in chapter 7 this week and it says, "11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. 12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." Ah I love this scripture! He has felt EVERY pain, and because of that He knows how to succor us. Elder Holland said to succor also means to run to and I love that. He will immediately come to us. One of my favorite quotes is "when you feel you have hit rock bottom just remember Christ is still the rock below you because He descended below all."
I read the September Ensign this week and it was way good! There is a talk in there that was a byui devotional called Can we live after the manner of happiness? By Elder Nielson. He says, "We profess a belief in the Savior and in His Atonement, but we may have doubts that the Atonement will actually work for us. So we carry our own sins. We worry, we doubt, and sometimes we despair. That is not God’s plan for us. From the very beginning, the Father told us the Savior would atone for our sins if we would repent. Let Him do it. There is no reason for you to carry your own sins. If you will allow the Savior to do this, you will be free to act for yourself. Why do you want to pay for your sins when the Savior has already paid for them? He is standing at the door knocking. He is inviting you to come and partake of the fruit of His Atonement. Turn it over to Him. Let it go. Let Him take it." I love this, I think a lot of the time it is hard to forgive ourselves and let go of the past and still feel guilt. Forgiving ourselves can sometimes be the hardest part. But I know that our Savior wants us to turn it all over to Him and use His Atonement. I'm so grateful for the peace Christ gives me.
I also love this quote in the Ensign that President Boyd K Packer says, "The thought is this: the Atonement leaves no tracks, no traces. What it fixes is fixed. … The Atonement leaves no traces, no tracks. It just heals, and what it heals stays healed." When we get a deep cut, we get a scar. But repentance is not like that. Repentance and the atonement heals all. No scars. Just a fresh start.
OKAY & also I love this quote from the ensign and then I'm done. Elder Maxwell says "As you submit your wills to God, you are giving Him the only thing you can actually give Him that is really yours to give. Don’t wait too long to find the altar or to begin to place the gift of your wills upon it! No need to wait for a receipt; the Lord has His own special ways of acknowledging.” I'm constantly trying to submit my will to Him & trust Him. Cause He knows best!!
Well we are gonna go fishing at the Hamblins and then watch price of Egypt! Gonna be a good day! I hope you all have an amazing week!! LOVE YOU ALL
--xo: sista fisha
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Practicing dunking |
Riveras! |
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