Monday, August 15th, 2016
Monday we went to the Henrie's block party. That was really fun. We then saw the Eagars. I really love them. They said they were coming to church but they didn't! Ugh so sad. One day though one day.
Tuesday we saw Haylie in the morning. She signed up to do seminary this year! Yay I'm so happy for her!! She is such a solid convert. We then had our last lesson with Donna. She taught us a lesson and it was really good. She knows the gospel really well. She is so prepared for baptism but she still doesn't know if she wants to be baptized. Even though she knows the church is true. She doesn't want to meet with the missionaries in the valley cause she doesn't want to waste their time. So that worries me but she says she is gonna go to church and possibly institute. We then had lunch with her after. Gonna miss that girl! We then saw Teri. We talked about grace and it was really good. She was at church on Sunday! We then did service for a former named Rachelle. We helped her make meals for a hunting trip. We were there for a while and it was really good getting to know her. She talked about her concerns about the church. Basically she just hasn't had a knowing feeling yet. I think she is expecting a big revelation or something. We then saw Gaylon. It was the first lesson that he didn't cry at! It was good though cause we talked about the priesthood. We then saw Dave and Haley. Haley isn't doing seminary and I am really upset about it...that stubborn girl.
Wednesday was ZTM! It was a really great ZTM! And I got to see my baby Sister Gulley! I gave the scripture & I wanna share it with y'all cause I just like it. I hadn't noticed it before and it stood out to me (probably cause I'm a missionary, that happens a lot). It's Jacob 5:21-22 "And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: How comest thou hither to plant this tree, or this branch of the tree? For behold, it was the poorest spot in all the land of thy vineyard. And the Lord of the vineyard said unto him: Counsel me not; I knew that it was a poor spot of ground; wherefore, I said unto thee, I have nourished it this long time, and thou beholdest that it hath brought forth much fruit." Ah so good right?! Basically we can never judge someone on the way they look. We don't know their potential. Looking around we don't know who is prepared. I know there are people that God has been preparing for a long time. Sometimes these people need a lot of nourishment and time and attention. But they are the ones that produce the best fruit! We then saw Jerry, oh Jer bear. He is doing well. He will never let us help him though. He comes every Sunday so that's really awesome! This work is so special! We have been trying to see this less-active family named the Taylors. We finally got to see them and share a message! Not all of them were there but it was good. I'm excited to start working with them. We then saw Daryl and talked about being converted to the Lord. Oh Daryl he is so cute.
Thursday we saw Cyndie. She talks a lot but I love her. We then had a brief visit with Chelsea and her kids. We then had a last minute lesson with Brylee at the Armijos. It was really good cause we hadn't seen the Armijos for a while. Brylee's mom had her baby. We then had a lesson with Sally. She is doing a lot better but she wasn't at church :( then we saw the Tisdells. They are pretty much our grandparents. We then saw Sister Markley. I love seeing her! She is so cute. We then had a lesson with Gaylon and were really bold with him. We committed him to throw away all his cigarettes before next time!! And we made a new baptismal date for August 27th!! It's an act of faith and it's really soon but we know he is prepared. Our zone leaders committed each companionship to a have a baptism this month. We both knew it could be Gaylon. Please he needs a lot of prayers this week to stop smoking!
Friday we helped paint the cricks room. It was really relaxing. I love painting! Especially on the mission. It's weird cause things that would be a chore in real life are fun on the mission. We then did weekly planning. Yay. We went to lunch with Bro Ayres. And luckily dinner canceled cause sometimes you just need a break. We saw Dave and Haley and talked about them getting their temple recommends. We then went to see the Armijos and it was really good! We didn't have a lesson but we talked and it was what was needed. And they invited us to help Marty make tortillas this week and for dinner! So that's a miracle, Heather mentioned that she needs to get back to church and that she needs us to motivate her. We also got a referral for Seth's dad. Sister Garcia felt prompted to tell us about him and she didn't know why. Anyways I finally made the connection that it was Seth's parents. Seth is dating Daryl's daughter. And he is always over there when we are over so we know him pretty well. I actually asked Seth last time if his parents would ever want to be baptized and he and all the Gilliams were like noooo. But we got this referral so we knew we had to go. Anyways we go and Seth is like why are you here...and we're like to see your dad. Haha it was awk and he looked scared. His dad was getting ready for work but we met his mom and she was nice and said we could come back tonight! So we are going tonight! Wish us luck!!
Saturday was a long day. They normally always are. They said it's a good proselyting day but that's a lie! No one is home and if they are with their families they don't want to talk to you. But we went by the Armstrongs and they were painting wine bottles for the wedding and so we got to help! It was fun. We then had a lesson with Tyric about missionary work. I told him to pray about a mission. He is a senior this year. Sadly he isn't going to seminary though. I told him I would bring him cookies if he went to church and he did!!! And he helped prepare the sacrament! It was a miracle! We owe him cookies. We then saw Dollie and Sister McCall came with us! It was really good and we talked about temples. I love bringing members with us and when they get excited about doing missionary work! And Dollie got the cutest kittens!! We then had dinner at the Wiltbanks. Dallas is my favorite. We get a text from Gaylon saying he is coming to church tomorrow and that he needs a white shirt, so we get one from Wiltbanks. Ahhh we were so happy!! There was a stake talent show thing that night but like no one showed up.
Sunday Gaylon came to church!! He stayed for just sacrament but it was still good! And he says he threw away all his cigarettes! Natasha and her kids came again as well! We saw Dave jr, he is sassy as ever. We then saw Camri Beard finally! Her husband is a less-active. He wasn't there but we asked her if he would meet with us and she said probably so that's good! We then saw Matt Larue. I love teaching him. And they said they have been praying for Gaylon, too sweet! All us missionaries then went to President Hamblins for a "meeting."
I read a talk this week called sheep, shepherds, and sheepherders by Jame R Moss and he is talking about rescuing the lost sheep. He says, "It is not enough to simply hope and pray and plan and worry. These are necessary, but if a sheep is lost it will not find its way back to the fold unless someone actually goes out to help it. The thickets and canyons in which sheep and people are lost may be spiritual, physical, intellectual, or social. The successful shepherd finds out, goes out, stays out, and brings back the lost sheep." I love this. I've always liked the parable of the lost sheep but this makes it more real to me. We need to go where the sheep is. If we are lost the Savior wouldn't just tell us how to get out of he mud, but he would help us get out and even carry us. We need to be like the Savior. The lost sheep isn't going to be in a field of daisies. They are going to be in the thickets, mud and canyons. They need us, all of us.
I'm grateful to be apart of the most amazing work on the earth!
Have a fab week
--xo: sista fisha
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Saying bye to Donna :( |
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Tisdells |
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