Monday, June 27th, 2016
My mind is blank about what happened this week but I'm sure good things happened. The monsoon season is starting a bit so it has been raining! And I am in
Monday we contacted some referrals. Woo. And then one of our appointments fell through. Sad. But we did see Jerry! He is a less-active and we had a great lesson about going to the temple, he didn't make any promises that he would go to church, but he came to church!!!! MIRACLE. We then had a lesson with the Nelson family (LA) & that went well. They are a really sweet family. We invited them to the primary activity on Wednesday and they came!!!
Tuesday we had a lesson for Bob (potential), he is the guy we are digging a trench for. We brought the Sheltons with us and taught him the first lesson. Yeah he was not receptive at all which was sad but you never know what seed you are planting. We then saw dave&haley, love them. They had Annalyse and Evelyn over so it was a party. We then taught Jarrett (LA 16 yr old). We taught him the plan of salvation and the spirit was so strong. I love teaching this lesson, even with all the big words. It has so much hope, especially since his dad has passed. We invited him to prepare for the priesthood and his response was so cute. He said he didn't think a guy like him could have it cause he makes a lot of mistakes. We are like the Atonement is real!! But he is just a really good kid. We then saw the Palmers, they are a part member family. Marty Armijo came with us and we had a little lesson outside their house. The wife didn't come out though. They seem really prepared and have said they have been looking for a church. Brian said that the LDS church was the only church that has helped them out when they were in need. The girl, Hope, wants to go to girls camp so we are hoping it all works out! We have been praying to find and teach families and we think this might be an answer to our prayer!
Wednesday we had district meeting & then went to Satires for lunch. We had a lesson with Donna and Wiley came! Wiley is a less-active so it was good to teach him. He is a really smart kid who wants to do the right thing. We then did family history with Tyric. The family history consultants were great and helped a lot. They gave him lots of homework to do haha. We then went to the primary activity for 3rd Ward and met more youth so that was good. We had a lesson with Gaylon and put him on date for August 6th! I love him lots. He was cute and was like let me put that on my calendar so I remember. I really like teaching him, he just seems so prepared and he gets everything. We then had a lesson with Daryl. He hasn't been going to church and taking the temple prep classes...but he wants to go in August! So that's his goal. And guess what?! He came to church on Sunday!! Miracle. I love that family. He gave us a "referral" to go see the lady across the street. But really he just wants to date her and for us to go check her out lol. She wasn't interested...
Thursday we saw Cyndie in the morning and we talked about her getting back to the temple. She really wants that for herself so we are going to help her to get there. We then had sisters conference in Show Low. It was good to see everyone! There aren't many sisters in the mountains so it is fun cause you can get close to everyone. We then had a lesson with Haylie. Her step mom came and wanted to be in the lesson a bit to find out more about what is expected of Haylie. Peggy (her step mom) sits down and looks me in the eye and is practically yelling "what is expected of you after baptism?". It was a little intimidating not gonna lie. I was just like let's start with a prayer. We shared a scripture about baptism and then she wanted to know like all the commandments. We told them both to look at the for strength of youth. Anyways it was good and I actually love Peggy lots. I was just praying so hard in that lesson. Haylie is awesome and wants to come to girls camp! :) she was at church on Sunday and is very solid. Jerry Nelson told us to go visit his neighbor so we did and it was uncomfortable because he wasn't wearing a shirt and we don't know if he was wearing pants. But he come to the window in the door and is like "I am about to get to the shower," always he says he isn't interested. Joys of being a missionary.
Friday was w e e k l y p l a n n i n g. Ha best day of the week right?! We had a lesson with a potential named Lisa but she forgot, we had Sister Ciminski with us so she let us in for a bit and we just got to know her. She says she is looking for spiritual guidance. She seems pretty solid! We had a lesson with the Bigalows and taught them the restoration. Their son Trinity wants to get baptized but he doesn't know much since they are returning less active. He is very cute. They were all at church on Sunday!
Saturday we went to Bob's and tried to finish the trench...oh my gosh it was a fail cause there are these huge tree roots in the way. Basically we have to come back but we are planning on bringing lots of men! We helped clean this old lady's house in our Ward. All I can say is spider webs and flies. Service projects are the best...we then had a Ward bbq for 1st Ward. It was way fun and so gorgeous. We went to the middle of no where and it was so green. Lots of people came so it was a good turn out. We saw the Armijos and had his lesson on why church was so important and they were like yes we will come to church. And no they didn't. I'm not surprised though cause they always do that. But it's just sad to see. They are missing so many blessings! They got a really cute puppy though.
Sunday was good cause church. Dave jr had his interview with bishop and he got sustained to get the priesthood!! Yeah Dave! We went to contact lots of people so that's good. We went to a concert thing, I don't even know what it was. These three girls from Utah came down and did a fireside and sang church songs. Two of our investigators came so that's good! We then went to see this house, I couldn't remember anything about them but Sister Peterson and I went to try to see them. We were by their house so we decided to go see them. They opened the door and were so nice and let us in. I figured they were less-actives or PMF. Anyways we share a message and I asked if they pray. They said they went to some other church haha awk. No idea they weren't members but they said we can come back, who knows I guess anything could happen. We went to Rachelle's (former) and brought her cookies cause she had her baby! It's a girl. We then had a meeting with Bishop Phelps which was good!
Anyways life is good and is always crazy as a missionary. There are no time for breaks. But the busiest people are the happiest! I truly am so grateful for this gospel and for the happiness and peace it brings into my life. The gospel of Jesus Christ does bless people. I finished the Book of Mormon today. I can't tell you how much that book has changed my life. I will be forever grateful for it.
I read the talk this week called "like a broken vessel" by elder holland. A Mormon message just came out about it and it is really good. My favorite quote from the talk is " we are infinitely more than our limitations or our afflictions" sooo true. We are given stuggles and weaknesses for our gain. It's so hard to see it but it's so true. It's hard to see our full potential but God does know what we can become so just trust him :)
I love being a missionary& I love you all
Sista fisha
From MLC on my birthday |
Sisters conference |
Rain in Eagar |
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John Wayne |
Donna! |
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