HELLO. what a crazy week it has been. It's been great though. Never a dull moment on the mission. Here is a recap:
Monday Sister Allen, Sister Peterson and I all drove down to the valley together because we are all training. There was a bit of bad traffic but it was all good cause we made it to the valley in time. We met all the greenies and took them out contacting for the first time! Sister Israelson and I took out our trainees to old town Scottsdale. But we traded companions to go out individually. I was with Sister Meacham. She is cute and is doing a trial mission for 6 weeks. 3 of the sisters that came out are actually like that. We didn't have enough sisters to come out I guess but we are grateful that they are here! Contacting was crazy actually. We went for about an hour and a half. Met some jehovah witnesses that tried to bible bash with us, so that was fun...and then a homeless man started yelling at us saying awful things because we didn't give him money. So it was all eventful. Love missionary work. We then went and had cafe rio that Sister Sweeney always makes on the first day here. Yum. I love staying in the mission home. Makes me sad it was my last time there with the Sweeneys. So weird. All the new sisters are so cute and we all bonded well.
Tuesday we had trainers meeting, it's weird to think it's my second time training. I don't feel old enough for this! We got out companions and I am with Sister Chausow!! She is the cutest ever. She is 19, went to byu and is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is fun and outgoing and is perfect for me. So I am so excited to have her with me! We clicked immediately. So yeah it took forever to leave the valley...left at 3 I think and then everything was going well. Then BOOM traffic. I think there was an accident. Anyways we were following the elders and turned around to this little gas station. It was closed. The elders had 1/8th left in their tank. And other gas was too far. And we had to pee. And the traffic was like so bad. We called the assistants and said they went through "the woods with the Sweeneys" but we lost reception before we got the directions from them. So sweet. Then we were just standing there in front of the littlest gas station I had ever seen & then a man came out of the store and said "hello brothers and sisters!" MIRACLE. He let us in to go to the bathroom and to get gas & he told us how to get to Show Low the back way. #blessings. We took this backroad that we could only go 25 on so it took forever but it was all so fun. We stayed the night at the sisters in Show Low because we got there too late to go to Eagar.
Wednesday we went to the temple with all the mountain missionaries. It was so fun seeing everyone! I love the temple and how we can feel close to our ancestors in there. Temple work is a beautiful thing
Thursday we saw Cyndie (LA) in the morning. And guess what! Cyndie came to church on Sunday! I haven't seen her there since I have been here. I spotted her at church and swarmed to her so that I could welcome her and sit by her. Miracle. We then had a lesson with Haylie (INV) and taught her CPR. She is doing well and is probably going to come to girls camp for two days! We really need to get more fellowshippers for her! And then the day we get back from girls camp will be her baptism :) so hopefully a lot of the girls in the stake will be able to go. We then were on the same street as someone Sister Ballew and I contacted a couple weeks ago and so I decided to go knock on his door again to see if he has any service projects for us. His name is Bob and is in a wheelchair. He told us we could come back and build a trench because his backyard is all wet and muddy. We told him we would if we could share a message with him haha, he said yes but said that he can't promise anything will come out of it. We then saw Jarrett who is a less-active that is just here visiting his grandparents for the summer. He is 16 and is staying with the Seeleys. He was baptized when he was 12 but hasn't been back since so he doesn't know much about the church. But he bore his testimony a couple Sundays ago and it was really sweet. We asked him if we could teach him and he said yes. We taught him the restoration and said we can come by every week. He does seem pretty interested. He asked a lot of questions about his dad who has passed on and doing the temple work for him.
Friday was weekly planning. Always takes so long with a new companion, especially when you're training. It was good though to get organized and such. We saw the Tisdells, they are good but didn't make it to church :( we met some less-actives named the Williams that I haven't met before so that was good. We then went to Daryls and talked about weak things becoming strong. The Spirit is always so strong there. I love them.
Saturday (day of service!) we went to the middle of nowhere to help Davina (nonmember) and her sister Lisa (member). They wanted us to set up their canopy/tent thingy. Lol. All of the Eagar missionaries came so it was a lot of fun. We looked at it and honestly I didn't think we were going to put it together cause it was so confusing BUT we did it! And then Davina made us pulled pork sandwiches. We then went to help Bob dig a trench! We brought Jarrett with us and we are so glad he came because he pretty much did half of it. We were all so tired and had the "tired jollys" as my mother would say. It was good though. We set up a return appointment with Bob. We then helped the Larues (members) pull weeds in their garden. My shoes were SO muddy by the end of the day but I got some sun! Tan lines for days. We then had a lesson with Brylee and it was good. We have to teach very simply and ask her lots of questions about principles to see if she understands. She didn't want to pray so she repeated after what I said. She is very cute and has been reading from her Book of Mormon. We got to meet with her cause she was at her dad's this weekend. She probably won't get baptized until school starts. I gave her a Book of Mormon coloring book that she loved. We then were going to the Armijos for a lesson but were a bit early and we had a referral for a less-active on the same road but her car wasn't home before but this time it was! So we decide to knock and she is super nice and lets us in. Her name is Brandy and has 3 boys. I felt prompted to read Ether 12:27 and she started crying as I was talking. We were only there 10 minutes but it was so powerful. The Holy Ghost knows exactly what she needs. We bonded very well with her and are going back tonight. She said she would go to church but she wants us there. We had a lesson with the Armijos about missionary work. We did this little activity with them and basically Heather gave us 5 referrals! We have only contacted one thus far but it was so good. We met their neighbor Brian last night and talked to him forever. He has a wife and 5 kids. And guess what, he is a member! But hasn't been in forever. That happens a lot here. But we have an appointment with them this week! So many miracles are happening! Heather said she doesn't have to work the next 4 weekends and said they were going to go to church...but that didn't happen.
Sunday we had Ward council in 3rd Ward and it was way good because Bishop Gleave went over the whole Ward list with everyone. Anyone we didn't know and think moved he assigned an auxiliary to contact them. Church was good. We ended up teaching Sunday school cause the teacher wasn't there. Donna (INV) came to all three hours! Wiley (LA) was there as well and Donna invited him to her lesson this week. She isn't baptized yet but is already doing missionary work. She is awesome. We saw Brylee again after church. On the table there were three pieces of paper for us to color on. She drew us and we drew her. It was presh and now it's hanging on our fridge. I love teaching 9 yr olds. We then saw Dave Erickson Jr. His dad and nonmember brother (Dakota) were there. Dakota just moved here. We are teaching Dave the lessons again. We taught the restoration and focused on the priesthood. We helped him understand more why it's so important. He also wants his patriarchal blessing so we set up an appointment for him with bishop. We think it would be very good if he got the priesthood before he moves this summer. No one wanted to say the closing prayer (typical) & my companion jokingly asked Dakota if he would say it and he was like sure and so we taught him how to pray! I asked him if he wants to take the lessons but he didn't say yes so I just told him he can when he feels he wants to. We met with Bishop Gleave (3rd Ward) and got his vision for missionary work. We really want to help the Ward get more excited about missionary work. I really want to get close to the Ward and build more trust.
Mosiah 27: 36-37 "And thus they were instruments in the hands of God in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, to the knowledge of their Redeemer. And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth."
I love this scripture so much. This is what I want the Savior to say about me. That I was an instrument in the hands of God. You need an instrument to play music. God needs us. He needs us to be His hands. Not just missionaries but everyone. I love being a missionary. It makes me so happy to bear my testimony and to see people change, and also to see me changing. I know that the Atonement is real and that precept upon precept we can change and become more like the Savior. We change and repent as we invite others to come unto Christ, as we pray, as we read the scriptures. Doesn't matter what we have done in the past. The thing is, Satan dwells in the past and Christ focuses on the future. So press forward with faith :)
Sista fisha
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Traveling to the valley |
Contacting with Sister Meacham at old town |
Sister Chausow! |
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Traveling from the valley |
Temple trip |
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Fireee |
Weekly planning all day in my robe |
Service all day |
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Holding a turkey |
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