So this week it snowed a bit. Weather here is nuts but don't worry it will be back to the 70's this week. I don't think anything that exciting happened this week. People keep canceling appointments! But what's new!
Monday we didn't teach anyone just tried to find. We had 4 other sisters sleep over that night so that was a lot of fun.
Tuesday I had my last zone conference!! They have all the departing missionaries give testimonies, yeah I cried it was awful. I hate crying in front of people. But zone conference was amazing, President gave a training on The Living Christ. So good.
Wednesday we had interviews with President & Sister Robinson! They are awesome. We then knocked lots of doors. People either love or hate the missionaries it seems like. We had a lesson with Addi, she is adorable. She asked me who I was going to marry, I said I didn't know and asked if she knew anyone. She said she didn't know anyone my age & that I couldn't take any of hers boys haha. We then taught the Tsosies, it's just sad cause they don't know pretty much anything about the gospel.
Thursday we didn't have any lessons :( but we did contact some referrals. And hopefully are soon teaching a part member family that we found! That night we have a ward activity with Show Low Ward - a fiesta!
Friday was my 18 month mark! It didn't really feel real. We had a lesson with Noah. He of course told us a cute story. He always has a story for us and he gets so excited to tell it. We then went to Jackie & Robert's and taught the word of wisdom. It went well! We visited some members. They are so awesome here. I love helping them build their faith in Christ. Something I will miss!
Saturday we had breakfast with President Williams. It was my last one so they had me bare my testimony of course haha. We contacted a girl named Taylor and she wants to meet with us! She was the one who asked when we could come by, we are seeing her Saturday!
Sunday was good, church is always what I need to hear. We helped teach primary. I love going in there. We also went to a youth fireside for the stake. President Williams asked us to come.
I read President Eyring's talk from priesthood session & I really liked it. Here is a quote from it, I changed "priesthood holders" to missionaries.
"As missionaries, we are His representatives. We act not for ourselves but for Him. We speak not our words but His. The people we serve come to know Him better because of our service."
That is pretty much our goal, to represent the Savior & help others come to know God. He also said, "If you walk with the Savior long enough, you will learn to see everyone as a child of God with limitless potential, regardless of what his or her past may have been. And if you continue walking with the Savior, you will develop another gift He has--the ability to help people see that potential in themselves and so repent."
I have felt this love as I have served Him and His children. And He concluded by, "I testify that we come to know Him best by working with Him and serving Him in the great work of bringing salvation to God’s children."
Mosiah 5:13 "For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?"
I can testify that we do come to know God by serving Him. Being a part of their work is the best. I am forever grateful for it.
--xo: sista fisha
zone conference |
Breakfast @ Williams |
breck & jake |
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picnic |
the lake |
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