This week was good! The weather is sooo nice. The mornings and nights are still a bit cold but we have been starting to run in the mornings, so that's been nice! I'm so out of shape tho...
Monday we had a lesson with the Raymonds. Sister Lewis came with us and so that was really gooood. We then drove to Eagar for exchanges!!!
Tuesday I was with Sister Fukushima in Eagar. It wasn't my old area except Milligan Valley, which I only had for a transfer but it was still so good to be back in that town. I love it there. Sister Fukushima is awesome and we had such a fun time together. She is from Japan and we go home the same day! I got to see Nancy Ward again! We did some service for her. We sang at the beehive - which is an old folks place. We met some pretty awesome members. We had a lesson with the Bennalleys! It was really good seeing them. And then I had to go see the Gilliams! That was so fun surprising them and see them! I love that family.
Wednesday we had another lesson with Rebecca - it was okay. She still won't commit to anything & gets off topic a lot in the lessons. So we aren't really sure if she is ready, we are going to teach her one more time. Oh and when I was in Eagar, they are doing a 40 day fast as a stake for missionary work, and anyways I really wanted to do it in our wards. So we didn't have anyone to fast and it started on Wednesday and goes 40 days until Easter. So me and my companion fasted on Wednesday. We have been getting members to fast and it's been really good. We remind them the day before and then report the night that they fasted on all of the miracles we have seen because of the fast. We then had a lesson with Molly, she is doing good. She fasted on Thursday which was a huge miracle cause we didn't have anyone to do it haha.
Thursday we got to go to the temple
Friday we had weekly planning and then all of our appointments canceled. We did visit some members. And then at night was weird....because someone in a truck was following us for a good 10 minutes. So that was slightly terrifying. But we lost them finally! Tiwi (device that checks our speed) totally yelled at me a few times but that's okay!
Saturday's are lunch with Papa Phill! And we had an awesome lesson with the family that showed up to church last week! His name is Robert (less-active) & her name is Jackie. They aren't married and they have a baby together. Jackie's two kids live there who are 10 and almost 8 (at the end of this month). Anyways we taught them the restoration and it went so well! Jackie is wanting to gain a stronger relationship with Christ. All of them said yes to baptism! We didn't put them on date because they need to be married - I did ask them about it and they have that as a goal in the near future! Wahoo! I have a good feeling about them, they are such a cute family. We then went to Noah's 12th birthday party! Yay he can go to the temple now!
Sunday was good. Jackie and Robert came to all three hours of church! Noah had his interview with bishop for the priesthood. The Ramirez started temple prep! And they got their patriarchal blessing last night! We gave a Book of Mormon out to a guy named Norman - he was pretty cool. He took seminary as a kid. He is Native American and he thinks it's really cool that he is a Lamanite.
I was reading in Jacob 5 & verse 71 stood out to me. "And the Lord of the vineyard said unto them: Go to, and labor in the vineyard, with your might. For behold, this is the last time that I shall nourish my vineyard; for the end is nigh at hand, and the season speedily cometh; and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come."
It just made me realize that I don't have much time left. I really want to put my all in these last 2 months and to not waste any time! This time is so precious and this work is so special to me.
Elder Cook said last conference, "Missionary work is not just one of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played; it is a major chord in a compelling melody that needs to be played continuously throughout our lives if we are to remain in harmony with our commitment to Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
I'm grateful I get to do missionary work for the rest of my life! Oh & another really good quote:
"Please don’t see your efforts to share the love of the Savior with another as a pass/fail test with your grade determined by how positively your friends respond to your feelings or invitation to meet the missionaries. With our mortal eyes, we cannot judge the effect of our efforts, nor can we establish the timetable. When you share the love of the Savior with another, your grade is always an A+." - Elder Anderson
It's true! So just keep loving others and opening your mouth! Because no effort is wasted! Even if I'm out here for just one person - I know that is enough and my Heavenly Father is proud. One person can effect thousands. This gospel brings me so much happiness! I love you guys have an awesome week!
--xo: sista fisha
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Captain Moroni on their house...#somormon |
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The temple! |
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it's summmma |
Photo booth with Emeri |
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