Monday, October 10th, 2016
How are you doing? My week was good. Kind of a blur but good. Weeks are just going by so fast, like we only have one more week of this transfer.
Monday we saw Sheila before our stake FHE. We hadn't seen her in forever! She is doing good but just working a ton. We got out of there in 20 mins! I was very impressed cause she talks a lot. Stake FHE was good, we talked about repentance and how it is a gift and a CHOICE. We also talked about how He cannot save us in our sins but FROM our sins. It was really good, reminding me of a lot that they said at conference.
Tuesday like no one answered their door. We got to see Marilyn Davis. Her life is kind of sad. She is an older lady and she said she really never has had good self esteem. She has really bad social anxiety that's why she doesn't come to church. And she doesn't want to have home or visiting teachers. So there isn't much we can do cause she doesn't really want to progress. We tti'd a cop, haha it was really funny. We thought it was another cop cause he waved. And so we stopped and he came behind us and passed us and then stopped and then we went by him again and rolled down our window and he was like "you wanna play leap frog?". Haha and so we did...and then we gave him a Book of Mormon and such. He will be baptized one day. We then had our first lesson with Meredith! It was so awesome! The Spirit was very strong and she is just so sincere. She was telling us how the missionaries came in a perfect time in her life and how we are what she needs. She said she would be baptized if she knew it was true!
Wednesday we saw Susan and her son Walker. They are cute. Walker is working toward the temple but Susan says that's not really her goal right now but maybe some day. I don't know what is really holding her back. We then went to Nancy Wards, her boyfriend left already...we are wondering if he doesn't like her cause she hasn't heard from him since...who knows. We then saw Tayler & it was a miracle because she had already put her kids to bed. We then saw Gaylon. He is doing alright. He might move to Reserve. We then saw Brylee and watched Finding Faith in Christ with her cause she ordered one haha and then we got a referral for it. She is so funny I love her.
Thursday was awesome because we had a mission tour with Elder Zeballos of the seventy! His wife came as well. They are from Chile & they are the cutest! They are both converts and traveled all the way to Brazil to be sealed. It was so uplifting and inspiring!! The Spirit was so strong and it was just what I needed to hear. We talked a lot about preach my gospel and being a pmg mission. We talked about how we need to read it everyday so that we can become converted. I loved Sister Zeballos' talk! She talked a lot about loving our mission and being HAPPY! We need to take advantage of our mission and to enjoy every day! Sure there are days that are hard but find joy! She talked about not seeing the fruits of our labors now, but later. I loved that. It might not be til heaven that I can see the fruit of my labor but I know the Lord has sent me a here for a purpose! And Elder Zeballos' talk was just amazing. I loved when he talked about seeing his missionaries that taught/baptized him. They are now leaders in the church. He was happy they are still active and he told us to continue to be an example to our investigators and less-actives. We talked about how it is not enough for our investigators to gain knowledge and to feel, they need to ACT. He said our ground is not the common ground, our ground is unique! No other religion compares to this one. He talked a lot about our full potential and how we can know when we can do more. He talked about it like climbing hills or mountains. When you climb one you can see the next mountain that is higher. So in order to know something that's higher you have to go to the first one. When you reach a certain goal it is a starting point for the next goal. Anyways it just made me more excited to be a missionary and more motivated! I want to be the best missionary I can be. It really is a privilege to be His representative! There are many reasons to have joy! I then got my flu shot! Dad be proud! We then had dinner with a less-active that we teach, her name is Samantha. Her husband got called into work right when we got there which was sad because we want to teach both of them. But we had a really good lesson with Samantha. We had a lesson plan but the Spirit told us otherwise when we got there and we talked about patriarchal blessings. She has one boy and it was really hard for them to get pregnant and she doesn't think she can have another one. So we asked her about her patriarchal blessing & she hasn't read it in years, she briefly read it to herself and it said "children" and that they would be sealed in the temple. It was a really special moment because the temple is what she wants. We told her that if she continues on Christ's path, that is a promise to her. We then saw the Eagars. I love them, they are pretty much family.
Friday Sister Ciminski took us to go see a former named Davina. We just wanted to see where she is at. She isn't ready right now but we had a really good discussion with her. She comes to church almost every week and says she likes it more than other churches. It's weird cause she says she doesn't have a testimony of Joseph Smith but she does of the Book of Mormon so it's kind of just on her own time. Basically she just hasn't gotten her answer yet. She is seeking though! My companion got sick the rest of the day so we didn't do much else.
Saturday we saw Daryl! He is doing good. He might have to get back surgery though :( we then saw Jennifer Todd. She is pretty much less-active cause of health. She is related to the Armijos. We had a good lesson with her and showed her the courage Mormon message. We had a lesson with Brother Ayres grandson named Raydan! He stays with his grandparents on the weekend and they finally said that he could be baptized! So he is on date for oct 29! He is ten and is so cute!! He knows a lot about the gospel but it is still fun teaching him.
Sunday, it felt like no one came to church! Lots of visitors though! Probably cause it's fall break. We had a lesson with the Gallegos. They didn't read the Book of Mormon so we read the introduction with them instead of teaching the plan of salvation and I'm glad we did. They asked so many good questions and they are really seeking to know the truth. Martin was like out of all the missionaries I have had you guys have actually helped me understand instead of giving me all of this information. And it's true, you have to go where the investigator is. We told them we can't teach them the next lesson until they read the Book of Mormon for themselves haha so hopefully that motivates them to read! We had another lesson with Raydan, he is a cutie.
So I finished the Book of Mormon this week! Woop woop. Here are a few verses that stood out to me this week.
Ether 2:25, “And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come. Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?” The Lord has provided the waves, rain, and wind to help us reach our destination. If we look at our trials from God’s perspective we see that the waves of life carry us, the winds guide us and when it rains God is pouring out blessings upon us.
Moroni 7: 27&29, "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven, and hath sat down on the right hand of God, to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he hath upon the children of me? And because he hath done this, my beloved brethren, have miracles ceased? Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men." I know that God is a God of miracles! The Book of Mormon has so many miracles in it, and is a miracle in itself.
Just like Elder Stevenson said at conference, "as you look to the book, you look to the Lord!" It is tangible evidence of the restoration and has brought a lot of peace to my life. I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God, it truly has changed my life!
--xo: sista fisha
Zone conference 9/27 |
Sheila!!! |
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trees |
Taco Tuesday |
Norma! |
Raydan |
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The Hunt kids |
These are always fun to read and I love all the pictures. Good work Sister Fisher!