Heyyy again!
This week was way good and way busy. We had 27 lessons this week! And my companion was sick so idk how we did it. The Atonement is real.
Monday we ended pday early and had a lesson with the casillas which were potential investigators. We have been trying to see them for so long! We got a referral from someone who felt really prompted. We brought Daryl with us because he is really good friends with them. It was good, I mean they said no to reading the Book of Mormon but we bore strong testimony and I was bold and left the book with them. He said he might look it over which is a miracle! I honestly think he would look more into the gospel but she is holding him back. Daryl told us to go visit his ex wife who just moved back. She is now remarried and they were both very nice.
Tuesday we saw Jacque Safley in MV Ward. She is a bit crazy, she says she is done talking religion. She comes to church sometimes though. We got in a message because she mentioned Lindsey Stirling so we shared her I'm a Mormon video. I don't think we will go back very often. We had a lesson with Samantha Peterson from MV Ward. She is cute. She has a little family and has been starting to get back to church and wants to get sealed in the temple. We need to work on her husband though. We saw the Tisdells, love them. We then saw Sister Markley. We then had a relief society activity in MV Ward. It was back to school themed and it was so cute! They put so much work into it and I really did feel like I was at school again. I really love MV Ward already. We then saw the Meachams. They are so cute and love missionaries. The parents weren't home but their oldest daughter is 16 so we got to share a message with the kids and that was a lot of fun.
Wednesday we had district meeting and Sister Lawrence and I gave a training on the importance of faith & testimony for the investigator & the missionary. It was her first district meeting and she did so good! We saw Haylie in the morning. She is doing really good. We then saw the Shupes, they are so cute. We then had a lesson with a less-active named Susan in MV Ward. She is so nice and loves the gospel and reads tons of church history books but doesn't come to church! We asked her what keeps her from coming and she says that she has gained a lot of weight...and doesn't have anything to wear & doesn't want to use anything else. Man the excuses people make! But she was serious! So my goal is to get her to come to church! Her son has started to come back! We the saw Tayler and Sister Tysseling came with us. Her kids were so crazy! Like more than normal. So it's hard to stay focused in lessons. We saw Gaylon and we had the Ayres come with us. It was really good. We felt like we should have Brother Ayres come because he still smoked after his baptism. He gave really good advice and I think it helped Gaylon a lot.
Thursday morning we helped with the food boxes. It was really fun. We then saw Nancy Ward. She is so cute. She has so many bears in her house it's crazy. We then saw Sally. She has a special place in my heart. She says she is ready for the temple but knows she can't go in because she doesn't pay tithing. She doesn't have the faith to pay it which is so sad. She just wants to go to the temple so badly. We are working on her. We then saw Kalicia & Willy Hamblin. They are young less-actives in MV Ward. They were funny. We asked them what they want to do to receive more blessings this week and Willy was like, "Honestly we are probably not gonna do anything." What a sassy man. I really like them though and their daughter is really cute. We met a lot of other less-actives in MV Ward which was good. We had dinner at the Gilliams and they made us homemade Chinese food! It was so good! They just spoil us. I told them we never get Asian food and I miss it (I miss Thai food especially). We then went on splits. I went with a yw named Madison. We saw Peggy Mead and her nonmember husband Gary and that was really good. You can tell she just loves having us over. She has opened up a lot more since we have been coming.
Friday we saw Cyndie. She is doing good, she really wants to get back to church. We then saw Chelsea. Her kids are so rowdy but I love them. We saw Dollie. She is so funny. She always says we look tired, we are but we are trying to fake it! We had dinner with the Eagars and they made us steak & smashed potatoes! It was all so good. But I was so full holy cow! We then saw Tyric finally. It had felt like forever, he showed us a lot of us his cool drawings. We then met recent converts in MV Ward, the Bennalley's. They are so cute I love them already! We have to go and wake them up every Sunday morning to get them to church haha. 8am church is rough.
Saturday there was a wood haul for third Ward. The wood goes to widows in the Ward. We went and helped put wood into trucks. It was pretty fun. We then helped the Ericksons do their yard. Holy cow it is night & day. We didn't actually see anyone on Saturday. Everyone canceled!! And we had really solid appointments with investigators! I guess that's just what happens. And it was a super nice day out, actually this whole week has been but it probably will be getting cold soon. It didn't really seem like a productive day but it really was because we did meet a lot of people. Third Ward had a ward party, a chili cook off and that was really fun. Lots of nonmembers and less-actives came! Everyone loves free food and it was at a park & it was just good.
Sunday was busy cause #church. I went to third Ward. It was the primary program and who knew the primary program brings so many less-actives and nonmembers?! Miracles. I taught Sunday school to 20 14-18yr olds so that was crazy. Teaching teenagers is interesting to say the least. We taught a new investigator! Her name is Sydnee and she has taken the lessons before. She is 14 and her mom passed away who was lds. She seems interested but also she is a teenager so she was on her phone like the whole time. So that was a struggle. So we are hoping it all goes well! We then saw Teri & Kenny. They are adorable. We then had a lesson with Dakota. His girlfriend is a less-active so that was good. He is like a typical boy but wants to get baptized, we set a date for oct 15! We just need to make sure he is really ready. I love the Ericksons.
In Alma 36 it's Alma talking about his conversion story and his change of heart that he had. He really did turn his life completely around facing God. Verse 24 says, "Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be born of God, and be filled with the Holy Ghost." Alma had an experience with the Atonement and he wanted to share that joy with others. That is what motivates us to do missionary work. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is what keeps me going. I love sharing the gospel with others. This work is hard but it makes me so happy.
I hope you all have a fab week!
--xo: sista fisha
Meachams! |
Daryl |
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Giesler kids summed up |
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Giesler kids summed up |
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Wood haul |
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