Monday, July 18th, 2016
Monday we had a lesson with Gaylon. Sister Henrie went with us. He is still struggling with word of wisdom and hasn't started the 15 step program yet. We then had stake FHE and met our new mission president and his wife! President and Sister Robinson are the sweetest. I already love them so much. Their son is finishing up his mission in Seattle! Whoop whoop represent. It was fun getting to know the Robinsons. They are really sweet.
Tuesday (MEET THE ROBINSONS) we went to meet the president meeting! It was super good. You can just tell that they are supposed to be here right now. The mantle has been passed. They are so ready and excited to be here and we are excited to have them! And President Robinson cries!! And President Sweeney never cried. I have already learned a lot from them. They talked about how this is the greatest work ever to be a part of. We are gathering Israel in these last days, it's even bigger than Moses parting the Red Sea. We then had district meeting and it was the best meeting ever cause it was less than 20 minutes long haha. I love my district. We finally then got to see Sister Markley and shared a message with her. She lost her husband recently and has been struggling but she came to church yesterday! That was a miracle. We then had another lesson with Gaylon. We bought him the stuff for the 15 step program! So hopefully he has started that! He is so sweet and wants to be better.
Wednesday-Friday was GIRLS CAMP. We drove up to Vernon on Tuesday night and got there in time for the YCL devotional. Haylie (investigator) came to camp all week and she was a YCL. She loved it and it was so good for her! I love that girl so much it's ridiculous. Let's see, girls camp was loads of fun. Lots of less-actives and non members went so that was super cool. We got to know so many girls and not just from our wards. And also the leaders. We went on a hike and that was really great, I love actually working out on the mission cause we never really do...we did lots and lots of crafts which was way fun. And we just helped around camp with whoever needed us. The food was really good, I was impressed. The weather was really nice. It only rained for like two hours one day, we were blessed. Cause camping and the rain isn't always that fun. But really being in jeans for four days felt super odd but really great at the same time. The skits were like the best part of the week. They go all out here. I really wanted to do a skit but none of the other sisters wanted to until President Hamblin said we had to. And so we literally had 10 mins to prepare. We just did the exercise one where you sit on the personal stomach and their legs are your legs. No one else here or the other missionaries had ever heard of it before which I thought was weird cause we did it so much at my girls camp. But anyways everybody loved it. I'll try to send the video of it. Friday morning we taught a lesson (well the same one to each year). The whole camp theme was about pressing forward so we talked about how we pressed forward with coming on a mission and while on our mission. I talked about my fears and experiences that I had before the mission. We talked about missions and the blessings of one. A lot of the girls are thinking of one or know they want to go. We did color run one morning and got destroyed with colors. The bishopric came one night and we had dinner with them. We ward hopped and went back and forth between our wards. We played games and then had a testimony meeting. Girls camp is just so great. I have all the girls camp songs stuck in my head now haha.
Saturday we packed up and left to go home. We were all so tired. It was a little weird going back to the real world. We did weekly planning which is always so fun...Haylie then had her baptismal interview and she passed!! She is getting baptized on Saturday! We are making it very publicly known so we expect there to be a lot of people. We ate dinner at the Tisdells and grandma made burros with really spicy green chili. Idk how many chills were in there but our mouths were on fire
Sunday was good with lots of meetings. We taught Brylee after church. She is so cute. She made cupcakes for us and fruit salad. She loves it when we come over. We then taught Dave and Haley. Well more like Dave taught us the plan of salvation. He did a really good job. We taught Dave Jr and his brother Dakota (nonmember) was also there. And he read some of the Book of Mormon! A lot happened with the Ericksons and they might not be moving, or they might move to Snowflake or something. Idk it's all up in the air! We met with President Hamblin and discussed the missionary work and such. It was really good to get help from him.
Here is the scripture for girls camp:
2 Nephi 31:20 "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
Since its been a lot on my mind this week I thought I might as well share this scripture. I love the word steadfastness. It doesn't necessarily mean we are going fast but rather holding on to the iron rod. It doesn't matter what our pace is, as long as we are in the direction headed towards Christ.
I was reading in 1 Nephi 20:21 this week and it says "And they thirsted not; he led them through the deserts; he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them; he clave the rock also and the waters gushed out." I love how it talks about the water and the rock. Christ is the living water and he is the rock. We need to cleave unto Christ and we will not thirst. Pretty cool. My Savior has given me so much strength. I know that I would be nothing without him.
I read the talk "Your Happily Ever After" by President Uchtdorf. He says, "Isn't it remarkable to know that our eternal Heavenly Father know you, hears you, watches over you, and loves you with an infinite love? In fact, His love for you is so great that He has granted you this earthly life as a precious gift of "once upon a time," complete with your own true story of adventure, trial and opportunities for greatness, nobility, courage and love. And most glorious of all, he offers you a gift beyond price and comprehension. Heavenly Father offers to you the greatest gift of all - eternal life and the opportunity and infinite blessing of your own "happily ever after.""
I just love that quote a lot & wanted to share it with you all.
I know that life is much better with Christ as my pal. God is good, life is good. I love being a missionary! The joy is unreal
Sista fisha
The best district |
Bye Elder Baumer |
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Girls Camp |
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Hiking |
Watch tan line |
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