Hello ya'll!!! (I've been saying that a lot because we can't say you guys, hardest thing ever) First off thank you so much for the package!!! Holy cow am I spoiled! Grandma Udell and Susie also sent me a package! I don't think I need to go grocery shopping for a good 3 months. Also ya'll gave me a butt load of gum lol. We aren't allowed to chew gum, only in the apt! Mints fer dayz!
I am emailing on Wednesday because we had mission tour this week! Elder Lynn G Robins came! It was amazing! He went to the mountains on monday and then to the valley (us) yesterday! So the valley missionaries got together and it was the BEST! I got to see my mission BFF (SISTER FAIRHOLM!) I love her so much! We definitely need to be companions someday. Anyways I some things I loved that Elder Robins said was how mothers who give birth is representing the atonement. Mothers lose some blood while giving birth and Christ bled from every pore for each and every one of us. Mothers literally sacrifice their lives when they give birth, mothers love their children so much. Just like Christ loves us unconditionally. He also said the Savior always focuses on the one. We are all lost sheep because we ALL need him!! He talked about planning and it is the most important proselyting time of our day. "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". Heavenly Father is the best planner. The plan of Salvation!! I love how he committed us to always keeping a temple recommend ALWAYS. I love being worthy to be able to go! It truly is such a special place and I can't wait to go next week! We should never let the oil in our lamps go out! Anyways I learned a lot I wish you all just could have been there! Also mom check my mission blog I believe there are pictures of me on there.
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(found it!) |
This week has been great! I don't even know where to begin! Everything is a blur but I will try to remember...We taught our investigator Theresa about the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has been reading the Book of Mormon! We brought a member around her age that also has children. It went really well. She still did not come to church this week though. She had a photo shoot, she is a photographer. She told us she is going to try to keep her schedule on Sundays clear so that she can come. We are praying for her to progress more and so that she can come to church! I love her a lot and I am excited for her! She is moving into a different ward though on January 30..we are going to have the men in the ward help her move. I just hope she starts keeping commitments.
We had a lesson with the Luongs (recent converts) about family history work! It went really well and they got really excited for it! We think it started a spark for them about preparing for the temple and talking to Bishop! We showed them about family trees and they were so excited.
We were able to contact a referral! Her name is Kathleen. She said that she wasn't free until Saturday so we are going to meet her Saturday! We are excited about that. We also had a young man show up at church on sunday! We didn't know him and anything about him. We talked to him for a bit. He spoke a bit in gospel principles which made us think maybe he is a member. I got his number and told him we would call him this week. We met outside his house. His name is Isaac and he just moved here from Kansas to live with his dad. He is 23 and then we found out he is a "restorationist", a branch out of RLDS? I don't know much about it. He believes in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. There is something off about him. We prayed to know what to do about it. I think we will meet with him again but we will need to send him to the YSA missionaries. We discussed views on the Book of Mormon and how we receive personal revelation. We asked him what he wanted out of our visits and he did not know. He met the missionaries six months ago in Kansas and has met with them a little bit off and on. He just does not seem happy and we are trying to figure him out. When we speak to him he doesn't look us in the eye! It is strange. He lives on a farm and has horses.
We got to meet with the Ross family! They have been sick so they have not been at church. We also met with the DeBenckendorff's and they came to the ward Christmas Party! We helped them set up Christmas decorations. We met with Marilyn Bowzer, a new investigator (kind of). It was our first time meeting her. She has been seeing the missionaries for about 2 years. She considers herself part of the mormon culture. Her son is a convert and it sounds like they have been working with her for a while. She is catholic and does not seem like she wants to change. She told us she does not want to get baptized now. We will just stop by her house occasionally.
We met with the Rossi's! We finished Pete's lessons for baptism and has his interview on Sunday! We are so excited for him! He is so ready! We met with the Lara's! Ruben and Lindsay (investigators). It was my first time meeting them! They always are "busy". The lesson went well. We talked about the 10 commandments and obedience. They are such a nice family. He is native american. They said they probably won't be able to meet with us until after Christmas...I'm like no!! Lindsay is an amazing singer and plays the piano. She is 13. Reminds me a little of Sarah. I love them already!
We met with Cheyenne (a recent convert). She is a senior in high school and is moving to Ohio in a few weeks :( We helped her pack and gave her a message. She is so cute. She has been through a lot in her life.
I met the Terry's and Joy Christiansen last night! They are both less-actives but it was a miracle we saw them cause they are NEVER home!! We had great lessons with them.
We had our two ward parties last week! Some less-actives and recent converts went to them! It's funny cause they were SO different. McDowell ward had this really nice fancy dinner and some games. It was at some nice barn. It's so weird being in a really wealthy ward. Larkspur ward was great! They did a Bethlehem theme and everyone dressed up in bible attire. We spent pretty much all Saturday setting up for it. I will send pictures! They had yummy food (like pita bread and hummus). Everyone sat on the ground on blankets. It really bonded the ward together. We watched a movie on Christ's birth and sang songs.
Last night McDowell had a Relief Society party at the Knights house. Oh man...Let me tell ya. Nicest and biggest house I have ever been too. We had chef's come and cook for us and the food was SOOOO good. We had real carolers. It was such a nice night. We really get spoiled down here...
I love all the members. It's weird cause I have so many connections with a lot of them. Like a lot of people here have been to the BYU Jerusalem center or Tanzania! It's pretty cool to make connections with people.
Overall we have been trying to invite everyone to the Mesa Temple Christmas lights and we have a stake devotional this Sunday! It is supposed to be amazing! The work is going! I love Christmas time and how people's hearts are being softened. I love testifying of Christ and how He made it possible for us to repent and to live with our Heavenly Father again. This year let's all think of gifts that we can give to the Savior. Whether it be setting goals and keeping them, having a humble heart, studying the scriptures daily, giving thanks to God in all things, or gaining a testimony of a gospel principle. These are all gifts that we should give to the Savior now and for forever. I know that as we do these things we will have a better understanding of who God is. We will feel His love more strongly. We will feel the atonement of Jesus Christ even stronger in our own lives. The atonement is eternal. It enables each one of us. It is the greatest gift that we have been given in this life.
I love you all! Make sure you watch the new Christmas video (A Savior is Born) that the church put out! It is amazing!
Have a blessed week! I'll email you next wednesday! (Transfers! Sister Jones and I are staying here though!)
No kisses for me this year |
Larkspur ward party |
McDowell relief society party at their house... |
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