A lot of people could not make it for my talk so I figured I should post it here! It was a wonderful day and I was so glad a lot of my family and friends could come! We basically had thanksgiving after church (canadian thanksgiving). We had 4 speakers (idk why) but my time to speak was 10 mins and I didn't get up til 2:05! So I had no time but I spoke for 10 mins anyway cause all these people came to watch me speak! Thank you for everyone who came! It means a lot!
"Good afternoon brothers and
sisters. As many of you know I have been called to the Arizona Scottsdale
mission. I was born in Arizona so I like to think I am going back home. I
report on October 28. So I have a little bit more time here. I am very excited
to serve the Lord these next 18 months. I was asked to speak about two talks. The first talk was given at Women’s conference
called “Be not moved” by Sister Dalton. And the second talk was directed to the
priesthood called “we are all enlisted” by Elder Holland. After reading both of
them I can testify that men and women both have their own divine roles. The
talks are written very differently but gave a similar message. When I read the
talk by brother Holland I thought of my younger brother Paul who is 18 years
old. And when I read the talk by Sister Dalton I thought of my younger sisters
Rachel and Sarah. So I want to direct my talk specifically to the youth but of
course to all the rest of you.
In Alma 37:35 it reads “O,
remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth”. It is no wonder that we need
to learn wisdom in thy youth. I have been through high school and many years of
college. I know that the adversary is real more than ever today. The Lord needs
us to stand as witnesses of God.
First I want to mention the
children of the church. I have babysat a lot in my lifetime and it always
amazes me the goodness of a child’s heart. I love babysitting in member’s homes
where I know I can feel the spirit and I can say prayers and sing hymns with the
children. Learning wisdom in thy youth starts young. We should always be like
little children and look at the example they give.
I love Sister Dalton’s talk “be not
moved”. Maybe it is because I am a women and I can relate to it even more. I
remember listening to it years ago. She says that we are “elect daughters of our
Father in Heaven.” I find that very comforting. I feel so important knowing
that I am elect and knowing my Father in Heaven loves me. He knows each of us
individually. How wonderful is it to know that we are children of God?! One
year at efy I remember kneeling on my knees asking if God loved me. I didn’t
get an answer right then. But the last night there I remember I got my answer
that He really does love me. He sent his son to be crucified for ME. That is a
sure sign that He loves me. Heavenly Father knows my heart and knows Arizona is
the place for me. He knows the lives I will touch and the lives who will touch
mine. President Eyring said this
last conference that I found comforting “He has called you and me into His
service knowing our capacities and the help we will need.” We all have special
gifts and the Lord needs you to share your gifts.
Dalton said “you are standing on the edge of many important decisions and
making choices daily, some of them difficult, that will shape not only your
future but also the destiny of generations.” I know this sentence to be true.
Right now I am making some of the most important decisions in my life. It is a
critical time and can be a little scary even. But I know that if you stay close
to the Holy Ghost He will not lead you astray. God trusts you in your
decisions. And you should trust Him as well. Sister Dalton said “in these
latter days, there are no small decisions” It is so true. The choices we make
everyday are important and will affect our future. Choices like whether to read
your scriptures that night, or if we should watch an inappropriate show with our
friends. Are we standing in Holy Places? I remember being around 8 or so. I was
with kids who were not of our church. I remember they were looking up
inappropriate words in the dictionary. I don’t remember the words. But I
remember not feeling comfortable. And I know the spirit was not there. I called
my mom to pick me up. That day at a young age I decided to stand in a holy
place by leaving the environment. YM and YW. Please please please remember that
who you hang out with will be who you become. If you ever feel uncomfortable
around your friends, maybe you chose the wrong friends. I think I was pretty
lucky growing up because I had the best friend group. I am grateful for them
and their example to me. They always made me want to be a better person and I
am still great friends with them today. Sister Dalton says "No amount of peer pressure, no acceptance, no popularity is worth a compromise." Stand up for the truth. Be an example. It is a simple message. I promise
that your true friends will love and respect you for the choices you make.
When I
was in Africa I was living in a house full of nonmembers. Pretty much every one
around me would go drinking a few nights a week. The next day they would tell
me how lucky I was to not be hung over. I would get asked all the time
questions about our church and I realized I loved talking about the gospel!
People told me I would just light up and get excited just talking about it. They
knew how important it was to me and they respected me that I didn’t drink. A
few thought it was actually really cool that I didn’t. While in Africa I was
talking about the creation with a girl from Canada. She was saying how she
thinks it is just impossible for God and Jesus to make this world. She said the
world is just too amazingly beautiful for that to happen. It made me SO sad
hearing those words. So many people are lost. We need to be shepherds and find
that lost sheep. It was then when I really knew I want to share the gospel.
Holland says “I am looking tonight for missionaries who will not voluntarily
bind their tongues but will, with the Spirit of the Lord and the power of their
priesthood, open their mouths and speak miracles” His talk is called “We are
all enlisted” We really are all enlisted. Both men and women. Christ needs us
to build up His church. It’s kind of like when you discover a really brilliant idea,
or find a really great recipe, or even when you find a really hilarious cat
video on youtube, and you just HAVE to share it with all your friends and
family. In our religion, we believe that since we are all children of God,
everyone is therefore our brother and sister. Well, I have this precious gift
of the gospel that has brought me peace and joy. And I just HAVE to share it,
with as many of my brothers and sisters who are willing to listen.
I hope you were all spiritually fed this past weekend at
general conference. I know I was. One of the new apostles Elder Renlund said
something that really spoke to me, He said “On what you look forward to about your new call: Seeing the
Atonement work in people's lives around the world”
Can we see the atonement working in our own lives? We need to use the atonement
everyday. Sister Dalton said, "The Atonement is for you and for me. It is an enabling and a redeeming power. If you are not feeling worthy to stand in holy places, do not carry this burden one day longer." Elder Holland
said “Whoever you are and whatever you have done, you can be forgiven. Every
one of you young men can leave behind any transgression with which you may
struggle. It is the miracle of forgiveness; it is the miracle of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But you cannot do it without an active commitment to the gospel, and you cannot
do it without repentance where it is needed.” Elder Holland said that this is
for us and for our investigators. I can’t wait to teach this message. I feel
Christ has done so much for me that I want to give back and serve Him. In the
song “Savior, Redeemer of My Soul” I love when it says “Never can I repay thee,
Lord, But I can love thee” I love Christ and my Heavenly Father so much. The
song continues by saying “then let my lips proclaim it still, and all my life
reflect thy will” I can’t wait to wear a little black name tag to represent the
church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
28:19 reads “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Deciding
to go on a mission was not any easy thing for me to do. As you see I have waited
until I am 21. My decisions and choices in my past have prepared me for this
day. I was in the same room when the Prophet announced the new mission age for
sisters was to go at 19. I have had many promptings to go. I was fearful. I
never had my doubts but I was scared. I felt like I did not know enough about
the scriptures and honestly I am not the best teacher. Elder Anderson said in
this last conference “the future of your faith is not by chance, but by
choice.” I am choosing to have faith. Because fear and faith cannot coexist. I
know these next 18 months will not be the easiest. But I do know that this
gospel is what makes me happiest and I cannot wait to share my happiness with
others. Elder Rasband, another new apostle said this last week “People
are more important than anything we can do. It's people that matter most.”
hope I can be a faithful disciple as I serve the people of Arizona. D&C 4:3 says "Therefore, if ye have a desire to serve God, ye are
called to the work;" His work is so sweet. I hope we can all stand in Holy
places and be not moved. I am so grateful for this ward because you have taught
me so much. Thank you for all coming today. I love you all so much. I am so
grateful for my family especially my parents. They have been such a great
example to me. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon I can not deny the
truthfulness of it. One semester I made it a goal to read the book of mormon 30 mins each day. I was blessed because of it. I
can truly testify that when we read the book we will become happier, better
I want to leave with my testimony that I know this church is
true. I would not be leaving for 18 months if I did not know this was true. I
know Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us. He knows our needs. His
timing is perfect. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God and
that he restored Christ’s church to the earth. I know that Thomas S. Monson is
a prophet called of God to receive revelation for us in these latter days. I
know that if we keep the commandments and be not moved we can have the Spirit
with us always. I know temples are the House of God and I know that as we
attend often we will become closer to Him. I know we can do all things through
Christ. I assure you that the Savior loves you so much that He made it possible
for us to change and repent if we make a mistake. I love this gospel so much
and I can’t wait to share it. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.
Great talk Natalie! I wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing it so I could read it. I'm excited to see you tomorrow. You get set apart in t-minus one hour! Love you!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much for sharing your talk, Natalie - I am going to forward it to others - friends and family that may not see your blog.
ReplyDeleteLOVE YOU SO MUCH! You are such a great example and a joy to be around. I know people will be drawn to you, to hear your message!