Monday, November 28th, 2016
Aghhh so it started snowing yesterday!! I know awful. It's so cold I'm going to perish. When I got called to Arizona I never thought I would have to deal with snow.
Monday we had our first lesson with Noah, who is being adopted by some members in our ward. He is 11 and is so cute. I'm excited to teach him! We followed up and he said he has been reading his Book of Mormon!
Tuesday we had a lesson with Sister Tuetken, who isn't in our ward anymore so we had a hand off lesson with the Elders but they didn't come...but we still had a good lesson with her and got to say goodbye. Pretty much the rest of the day we met investigators and less-actives and members in Paloma Ward. Our ward mission leader, Brother Moore came out with us at night. He is so funny. He shows no emotion, he probably thinks us sisters are crazy.
Wednesday we had district meeting and we are in a district with all let's just say that "doppest" was said a lot in the We then had a lesson with a girl named Cheyenne in Paloma Ward. She is 16 and doesn't go to church that much. We are going to help her get to church. We then had a lesson with the Tsosie family, they are in Paloma Ward. They are recent converts/less-actives. They have some disabilities and don't comprehend a lot that we are saying. They are a cute family though. We met Sister Reidhead, her family isn't active. We had a little lesson with her. They have been meeting with the missionaries for a lot time but doesn't seem like they have progressed.
Thursday was thanksgiving!! It was a good day! We volunteered at the love kitchen and served thanksgiving food. It was way fun! On our way home, our truck got a flat We had to call the Elders and they helped us change it. We then had our first dinner at the Nikolaus' and the Halls were over there too. We then went to the Bairds for a second dinner. And then we went to Linden with the Tregaskes for our third dinner. LOL. SO MUCH FOOD. I never knew I could eat so much. But it was a good day and I'm grateful for all the families who fed us. The thanksgiving message I shared at dinner was by Sister Reeves. She said, "To me, the greatest miracles in life are not the parting of the Red Sea, the moving of mountains, or even the healing of the body. The greatest miracle happens when we humbly approach our Father in Heaven in prayer, fervently plead to be forgiven, and then are cleansed of those sins through the atoning sacrifice of our Savior." I love this, it really is the greatest blessing/miracles that we need to be grateful for. I'm so grateful that we can change and repent to be more like our Savior.
Friday we saw Sister Mejia, she is a less-active who wants to get back to church. It's sad because so many people have social concerns about church. We then had a lesson with the Diromas, they just went through the temple and are awesome! We saw Sister Bottoms, she looks so much better than last time, she is reading the Book of Mormon everyday! Which is so awesome. We found some unbaptized kids that we are going to start teaching!
Saturday was rough cause all our appointments canceled. We did have progress and did meet a lot people. A lot of people weren't home cause of thanksgiving weekend.
Sunday all of our appointments canceled as well!! Haha no one likes us. Well we did have one lesson with the Tsosies. They had bed that's worrisome. Pray we don't get bed bugs.
This morning I finished the Book of Mormon again!! Man I love that book. I read in less than two months, I've never read it that fast. It was for the doctrine of Christ reading that our whole mission did. I loved it. I learned so much about the doctrine of Christ on a deeper level. I know that we can be cleansed from sin as we apply the doctrine of Christ to our lives. We have everything we need to get back to our Heavenly Father & I'm so grateful for that. We can become holy, without spot because of Christ. This reading reminded me of a quote from women's conference:
"We need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ." - Pres Nelson
Also when I read the Book of Mormon I have gained a stronger testimony and I noticed I was able to testify more of that blue book to others. This quote by President Benson below is so true. If you don't read that book everyday or have never read it from cover to cover, I recommend you do! It's never too late to start.
“There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path.” - president benson
ALSO. there is the new Christmas initiative video called #lighttheworld. You can find it at:
I'm excited to serve these next 25 days in 25 ways!! Yay Christmas time!!
I hope you all have a great week! Stay warm!
--xo: sista fisha
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Tuetkens! |
Changing the tire... |
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thanksgiving!! |
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coca cola |
cutest boy |
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first snow |