We get asked sometimes if we are selling something, YEAH SALVATION. Also we made a sign up sheet for the relief society to make cookies each week so now we don't have to make cookies every week! It's way nice. The best way through a person's heart is cookies right?!
But yeah this week was good but a totally blur. All I remember is that we were BUSY. Busy is good.
Monday we had FHE at the Snow's. They are the CUTEST family. Like seriously all the families in the ward are the cutest. His dad is speaking in general conference the Saturday morning session! I met him yesterday at church. Supa cool. Their son was like "my great great great great grandpa gave Joseph Smith a cane!" lol
Tuesday we saw some potentials! We saw Rosetta and Jean! We taught them the restoration and they really liked it. They aren't 100% all there though. Super sweet ladies. We then saw their upstairs neighbor, Jackie. She is funny. She doesn't believe in organized religion. She says she is searching for something though. We tried to hint that it is the gospel that she is searching for. We then had a lesson with Zach at the library! Alyssa came with us and she brought her nonmember friend! He wanted to see what it is like. His name is Noah, he was baptized last summer into a christian faith. He is really awesome and has good insights. He said that we we're "too serious" though. Even though he said we answered a lot of his questions. He is just used to loud church with chanting and such. But Zach is doing really well. He told us this week that he is planning on going on a mission and asked how he can go!! SUPER cool! Missionary work is actually the best guys. He was super confident that he knows the Book of Mormon was true when I asked him about it. And he talked to his boss about not working on Sundays and his boss was really understanding! Miracles! We then saw Joy Christensen and her grandkids. It sounds like they all want to go to church. Joy didn't come on Sunday though. So that was sad. We then went to a baby shower that night, let me tell you I don't know how to socialize anymore. I'm just a bunch of awkward. plz help. sos. But it was good cause it was for a less-active and a bunch of relief society were there.
Wednesday we saw Karen Cummings and shared a message with her. She had the cutest kittens that were only 12 days old! Like I don't think I had ever seen something that cute. We volunteered at amber creek inn. I LOVE it there. One of the ladies stole pass-along cards from our bag!! We confronted her and she was like "I don't know what you're talking about" lol so we let her keep them. We ate at the Quicks that night and Sister Quick is from Las Vegas and said she always had missionaries over so I just gave it a try and asked if she knew any of the missionaries that served there that were from our stake. She said she knew Derek White! That was really cool and special to meet someone that knew him. She said he came over a lot. Her maiden name is Olsen. We went to the DeBenckendorffs that night. They are doing so well! Amelia gave a book of mormon out to a coworker and highlighted some verses she liked! She said that he really liked it! You should have seen the light in her eyes, she was SO happy. It's amazing to see less-actives do missionary work. She was like "I could actually be a missionary!" She turns 19 next month. I hope she decides to serve! She would be so good.
Thursday we had stake correlation and district meeting. AND service. We picked some random guys citrus fruit with the district. haha but all the fruit was bad cause he didn't water them so we just threw them in the trash. But all in all it's still fun. Our district has changed a lot this transfer. It's always good getting to know more missionaries. We saw Sue and we committed her to do personal progress! She is so excited about it! She is so awesome. It's hard to think of commitments for her because she literally does everything! We had a lesson with the Luongs. They are good but have been missing some church recently.
Friday we helped the Daughtees pack. They are moving from a pretty big house to a 2 bedroom apartment. So it is going to be a struggle for them. They are getting rid of a lot of things. We had lunch at cafe rio, go figure. And then we met with Brother Chase. It was good. We are really trying to help the bishop. We went to the Easter Pageant that night! It was SO good! Alyssa took Zach and us and we met some other YW there. We go there super early and got 2nd row seats! We got to go to the visitors center and walk around. Zach loved it. He is so excited to be a part of this church. We had a lesson with him on the temple grounds. It was really good. Guess who I saw there?! Anna Mckay! My Jerusalem friend! She was there with her husband! It's always good to see familiar faces.
Saturday there was an Easter breakfast for larkspur ward. Constance and Betsy both came! Bishop picked them up! They both had a really good time! The food was also so good. We then went to amber creek inn and helped them with their easter egg hunt. Some family members were there so it was good to talk to them. We then went to the stake center to watch the womens broadcast and have dinner there. It was really good! It talked a lot about service. It's so true that when you serve others you forget your problems and you can really learn to love them and see them as God see's them.
Easter Sunday was good. I mean it didn't feel too much like Easter but it was good. We had two ward councils. Zach was beaming at church. He just loves it. A ton of people were at church. A lot of part member families! That was great! I mean Easter is the 1 out of 2 times people go to church out of the year. We had a yummy dinner at the Christensens. A lot of people were busy last night so we visited a lot of single people and that was good.
I'm so glad my Savior lives!! How wonderful we can have hope because of the Atonement. No trial is too big because of Him! Nothing nourishes us more than the understanding of the Atonement. The Atonement is less about me and more about the Savior. He performed the perfect atonement for each one of us. I know that Heavenly Father knows who were are to become. We need to remember this and not be so worried about where we were or even will be tomorrow. Our potential is so much bigger.
I hope everyone had a great easter! I love you ALL! Thanks for everything! Sorry for such the long emails....
Karen Cummings and her kittens! |
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Amber Creek Inn |
Service with district |
Riding a horse...breaking rules |
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Temple with Zach |
Easter Pageant |
Anna at Easter Pageant! |
Amber Creek Inn |