Hello all! How are you!?
Things in Scottsdale are going good. The weather is perfect. I still can't
believe that it is sunny everyday here pretty much. I'm not used to it.
Monday we
got to see Sue and she talked to bishop about going back to the temple! I
really want to go with her! She is thinking May! So we will see if I will still
be around here. She also really wants to speak in Sacrament, she is not shy at
all haha I love her. We had another miracle that night! We went to see
less-actives, normally they aren't home and just the husband is home so we
can't go inside. But they were both home! We had a great lesson about
simplifying our lives and then I invited them back to the temple! And then
Brother Terry opened up, which he never does and he was telling us all about
his family history. He is related to Brigham Young! And he was telling us all
the stories that the pioneers in his family had to go through.
Tuesday we
went to a new move ins home. We got to know them and then we found out that her
husband isn't a member! He then came home from work so we got to meet him. We
saw Mike Gonzales, Lavanne, Brother Ellis, and the Luongs that day as well. The
Luongs had both of their sons there, they are both not members. Jason will be
here for 3 months! I don't know how interested in the church he is though.
Wednesday we
had a world wide missionary broadcast which was super good! They really focused
on teaching repentance and baptizing converts. Elder Anderson said that if you
don't know what to say, speak of the Savior. We need to always have His name on
our lips. If we don't tell them to repent, they will not change, which is
critical to conversion. What I loved what Elder Bednar said was that we can put
it into their hearts but we cannot push it into their hearts. It is so true. We
are vessels for the Lord and this is HIS work. And truly it is not about us, it
is about the Lord. Whitney Clayton said "the restoration is a fact".
I love that and it is so true. It was amazing to hear the words of our leaders,
they are truly called of God and receive revelation. There are 75,000
missionaries all around the world. How amazing is this!? We are ALL in this
service together. We then had district meeting. Sister Jones and I gave a
training on gossiping. haha it was really funny. We then we to see Brother Ross
in the life care clinic. He is pretty sick. We brought him cookies and a large
Book of Mormon. We hope he gets out soon! He is so funny, I love him. We then
saw a less-active, her name is Tamera. She is very nice and cool.
Thursday we
volunteered at Amber Creek Inn! I love the days that we do service there
because it just makes my day. The old people there are so kind and always make
me feel good about myself haha. The ladies give me kisses and make me feel so
important. They all have such amazing lives. We helped them write letters to
their families and it was the funniest thing ever. We then got to see the
DeBenckendorffs! It was our last time seeing Megan! She flew out on
Saturday! Sister DeBenckendorff texted us yesterday and told us all these
amazing things that are working out because of God. She told us how much we
have done for them and that Megan wants to go to church in New Jersey!
Miracles! We then went to the Rossi home! Oh my goodness I love them. We had
more miracles then. We hadn't seen them for over a month because their son went
to Guatemala and their work was just super busy. We asked Jenn how keeping the
Sabbath Day Holy blesses her life and then she just went off about all her
concerns. She really opened up which she doesn't that much. It was really good
and the spirit was so strong. We tried to help her the best we could, I could
really feel the Holy Spirit guiding me on what to say. She later told us how
much our words have helped her. She just feels really confused because her
whole family is getting baptized and she doesn't feel ready. But I know one day
her family will be sealed in the temple and I cannot wait for that day!
Friday we
went to a member's to teach them. In our stake we are trying to get at least 1
visit in a member's home in each ward. We went to Glenda's but she wouldn't let
us in because she was eating dinner...we might have to drop her because she isn't
keeping commitments. We then saw Jennifer Tortice, she also really opened up to
us. I know she still knows the church is true. It's amazing to think that the
people we teach are someone's family. These family members are just praying for
their hearts to be softened. This work is so important. Less-active work is so
important! I love teaching them.
Saturday we
had a really good first lesson with an investigator named Brenda! She was a
referral from missionaries in Gilbert. The missionaries found her walking on
the street! She is so prepared! She really opened up and wants to know more! We
brought a member who was perfect for her!! It really was a miracle because they
had so many things in common. We saw the Holdimans and invited them back to the
temple! I was scared for their response but they said that yes of course that
is why we are going back to church. We are planning in going in a year! We met
with the Lara family on Saturday night and brought a member with us.
They didn't read the Book of Mormon so we read with them.
Sunday was
normal. Our only investigators there were the Rossi's. We had a lesson with
Isaac and had priesthood holders there. He said he didn't like the ysa ward
because everyone was on their phones...ahhh. We invited him to our ward and he
said maybe. I guess he played football with the YSA ward and really liked it
we hiked camelback mountain!! It was so nice to get outside!! I love hiking and
I was in my element. It was pretty steep, not long though. But a good work out.
We then got in n out. yum. life is good.
read a talk this week called "cast not away therefore your
confidence" by Elder Holland. He talks about if it was right when you
prayed about it, it is right now. Life gets crazy and things are thrown at us
but do not fear. The Lord is on our side and he is always constant. "Fear
Ye not, The Lord shall fight for you." That was so true about deciding to
go on a mission for me. I knew it was right but things got in the way, every
time I prayed about it, it was the same answer. I came out with faith that I
can do this, but only WITH God. He does give me my strength.
everyone is giving us grapefruit and oranges, they are so good!!
![]() |
Visiting Brother Ross! |
Chubbiness never ever was happiness |
Matching on accident |
Meet Bee! |
The Holdimans! (My mission grandparents) |
Hiking camelback |
In-n-out! |