Monday, November 30th, 2015
How was everyone's Thanksgiving?! Thanks for all the emails!!!
It's so nice here...I'm sorry but Arizona is the best in the winter...just not in the summer. I hope I get sent to the mountains in the summer. We will see. It's so funny cause everyone who lives here complains that it is freezing here. Also I don't know if I told you this but no one drinks tap water here and I think it is the strangest thing. Everyone buys water. We buy waterbottles too. The water tastes so bad and apparently can get you sick if you are not used to it. Some people drink tap water here but barely anyone.
We met with Jayson, the Luongs son more this week with his family. We met last monday night after we helped lynh with her homework. He is an awesome guy but I don't think he is quite ready for the gospel. I think he will join one day. And remember back on the times that we taught him. His dad is a little pushy and assumes his son will get baptized. Heiu talks and talks and talks. We taught them about temples one night and it went well! they said they will talk to the bishop about it! Linh can go in one year! She was so cute she was asking when her parents can get married in the temple and then she was telling us her testimony on why she got baptized. She is the BEST. I love her so much. Side note: the hardest mission rule is not being able to pick up kids and have them sit on your lap! It's the WORST. Like there are SOOO many cute kids in the ward. LIKE SO CUTE IM DEAD.
Tuesday we spent a lot of the day trying to find GATED communities. The worst enemy for missionaries. But luckily someone always came in after us and let us in. A lot of people don't live in the places anymore. There are a lot of people who are married to nonmembers here as well. We are trying to work with all of their husbands. We met with Sister Holdiman, she is so funny. She likes to talk about her life! She is less active. I talked about them before. She said she died when she had a heart attack but got to decide to come back to earth cause her family needed her. I'm like how do you not come back to church after an experience like that?! She is so stubborn lol. We drove like all the way to old town scottsdale for some spanish food! Sister Cano is SO nice. and the food was so nice! I love her kids but they are moving to Florida soon! I am so sad because I love her SO much!
Wednesday we had Zone Training meeting, We talked about keeping the sabbath day holy, our "why" for being here, and inviting less-actives to the temple. It was good! We then went to teach the Debeckondorff's, some less-actives. It was my first time meeting them. We are teaching a mother and her 18 year old daughter. But when we went it was chaos because her other daughter had just moved in with her two crazy kids. It was still a good lesson but they just need to come to church! They are progressing though. I really love them and I am excited to get to know them more. Amelia the daughter had a priesthood blessing a while back because she really badly cut her fingers on a cheese grader at cafe rio. Like her fingers almost fell off! The priesthood blessing worked she said! It's amazing how much people tell you being missionaries. People really open up to you after they just met you. We met with both our ward mission leaders later. They are the best ever! SO helpful! We also got two referrals at dinner! Blessings!
Thursday! Thanksgiving! "I hope you wore your stretchy skirt!" We went to watch the ward turkey bowl in the morning and then we went to a older ladies home and helped her set up her Christmas tree and other decorations! It was so fun! It's much more fun when it is service and not your own! We then went to the Ross family (less-actives). I have talked about them before. They are so awesome! We spent wayyyy too much time there because when we got there dinner was not even close to being ready. We helped as much as we could. We were a little late to our next apt but it was okay cause they were running late as well. As the Ross home the food was good but the mashed potatoes were so runny lol. She put so much milk in them. It was just 6 of us, probably the smallest thanksgiving I have ever had. Then we went over to a members. Their house was so nice! They had like 30 people there and the food was so yummy! We had so much food lol. We gave our message but it felt like a speech cause there were so many people! Being a missionary during the holidays is the best cause people just love and spoil you. It was a great thanksgiving! A lot of moms who have daughters out always cry when they see us share messages. They just think of their daughters, it is so cute. May we have gratitude in our hearts always!
Friday we had stake correlation and then we had a "sisters beauty workshop" lol. They thought it would help us de-stress. It was so fun! We could have been doing more important things but it was so fun getting to know other sisters! We went down to Mesa, I swear we have the best sisters here. Not lying. It was 4 hours long. We ate lunch, talked about health/exercise, beauty, sister landry did my hair and make up and nails, and then we talked about clothes and went to the thrift store! It was so fun! I love thrift shopping! I got two skirts and a shirt for $7! Also this black gay guy was standing behind me in line and complimented my outfit (yes!) and then I was talking to him. And then he was like "wait are you a nun or something?" lolol mission made. Like I wish you could have all met this guy cause he was so interesting and funny. He was wearing make up and had skull pants and slicked back hair. His laugh was the best too. He was probably on drugs but it made my day. I want to serve in Mesa or Pheonix to get more variety of people. Scottsdale is great though! I'm surprised how many apartments there are! SO many. We went to dinner at the Shumways, my mtc teachers house! SMALL WORLD! It was so good seeing him! His name is doug and his family is so awesome. They have a little girl and she is so cute! He was home for thanksgiving!
Saturday was my one month mark from arriving to the mtc! Can you believe it?! It seems like forever ago but it has gone by somewhat fast. We did a lot of weekly planning which sucks but is so helpful. We went to dinner at some yummy place, Sister Houston took us out and invited her less-active friend! She reminded me of Aunt Susie! Older ladies are so funny. She said she would come to church but she didn't...We then went to try an investigator we haven't been able to see, her name is Glenda Zane! She is in her 50s I think. She is religious and is so awesome! It was my first time meeting her! When she answered she was zipping up her pants and she was acting really weird lol. I didn't know if we would let us in, so I asked her if I could use the bathroom (best way to get into someones house). She let us in and we ended up talking forever! She is so great! She is coming to the family history night on wednesday! I am so excited! Sister jones bought birkenstocks from her lol. She sells a bunch of shoes and things she doesn't use anymore. The shoes were in good condition and she got them for $20! But she can't wear them until she gets she is so funny. Sister Jones and I are becoming close friends and I love her so much! Even though she is so different than me. Also it is so funny when you know someone is home cause you hear the tv on or you can hear them walking and they don't answer the door! "shhh the missionaries are here!" Or when you see the eye whole go dark so you know they are really home!
Sunday, was a great day! I gave a talk! It went well! Seriously I love my wards so much and now I love 6 hours of church! You are so edified! I get somewhat tired though. Church was SO good this week I can't even explain! We are in larkspur ward choir for the Christmas program! I love Christmas!! Everyone starts putting up lights and decorations up WAY early here I have noticed. I think it is funny. The members here are so awesome and are so willing to help us! It's still a struggle figuring out who is in who's ward.
We are moving out of our apt next week, cause of the cockroaches. also I think pday might be wednesday next week so don't freak out if I don't email you on monday.
The church is so true and I am so happy to be a missionary! Even though I look so dumb backing up the car.
Sister Fisher
Sunrise |
My grandma outfit |
Turkey bowl |
Christmas tree decorating |
Thrifting with Sister Landry from Bothell |
Companion and I! |
Doug my MTC teacher! |
Ashley! |
Collecting cockroaches... |