This past weekend my parents were invited to go to a slot canyon in southern utah. Landon Haycock and his wife wanted my parents to go with them. My parents can't say no so they told me they were coming to utah and I was like I wanna go! Brittany and Brian went as well. We left friday night in a rented suburban. I forgot how funny my family was. I was literally loling the whole way down. We stopped to get hawaiian food. We finally got to the camp site and set up. The stars and moon were beautiful. I love being in the middle of no where.
We woke up early to get ready and hike. We went to the Bluejohn Canyon. It is where Aron Ralston had to cut his arm off cause a rock got his arm stuck. He was hiking by himself and they made a movie out of it called 127 hours. We hiked in to the canyon and had to start canyoneering at the East Fork Canyon. It was 4 miles long and it was down hill. We never had to rappel but there was a few times we had to hold on to a rope and walk down. It was a little scary but not bad. I definitely went past my comfort level. We then finally got out of it and then had to walk in the sand and desert which felt like forever for like 2 miles. We finally saw other hikers. It was nice not having it be crowded. We then got to the main canyon which is uphill. It was fine and very beautiful. And then we got to the main obstacle. Oh my gosh we had to go up like 200 ft. Luckily Landon is like a pro so he would climb up and then tie a rope and then we had to climb and like shimmy up. I used so much upper body strength. Good thing I worked out. It was the hardest thing ever. There were 3 different obstacles one after another. I was so tired after it. Brittany like started crying. It was probably the hardest physical thing I have had to do. But I did really like it! I was soooo scared though. I finally got up the last huge rock. I had so much scrapes and my backback was torn. It was insane. We then had another few miles back to the car. We were all so sore afterwards.
It was about 10.5 miles and it took us like 9 hours. The canyon was sooo skinny at some parts. I had to take my backpack off to get through. I still can't believe I did it. It was beautiful and I am so glad I went. We went to Rays diner afterwards. It was way yummy. We got back to brittanys and her downstair neighbors are crazy and called the cops on us for being "loud". All we were doing was getting ready for bed. The cops felt bad cause they knew we werent having a party or whatever. Luckily Brittany is moving into a townhouse. We checked it out and it was way nice.
Anyways it was a good weekend seeing family and eating good food. I'm back at school now...and I'm just so ready to be done with school. Finals suck but I will be done soon! Make sure you guys watch conference and have a good easter!! :)

My parents really wanted me to make a video of our trip, Here it is: