Okay so a few of my favorite people came to visit seattle this last week!! Brittany, Brian, Tracie, and Will came up from Provo for a week! so I have a lot to catch up on...haha. so bare with me. So first of all i am going to start with last sunday.
Okay so it was mercedes mission farewell last sunday. She is going to Sao Paulo Brazil. She left last wednesday! She is going to be an amazing missionary! Her talk was just perfect. it's a little weird having my girlfriends go on missions now. Like i am used to my guy friends leaving but not the girls! i'm still trying to figure out what the Lord has in stored for me about the mission thing. but anyways, mercedes had a party after and it was so cute!! It was definitely a pinterest party. Her mom is the best party planner. i stayed for like 3 hours just eating and socializing. it was great. it was also hayleys birthday and now she is in paris! I miss them both already!
|| the pink ladies || |
On monday we went rock climbing and it was so fun! i dont remember the name of it...but it was in snoqualmie. It was seriously so cool. I had never been real rock climbing before. Only really the rock wall on our old house. I climbed the hardest section! so i am really proud of myself. tracie did it so i felt like i could do it. There were some hard parts but it was pretty fun and easy! It was really mental too. Just saying to myself that i can do this.
After rock climbing we went to twede's cafe. It's this cute little restaurant that has famous cherry pie, and apparently has a hot wings challenge. My dad asked if will wanted to do it and he said he would! I can't believe it! so crazy! so they give you 6 hot wings one at a time and each one gets harder. just the smell of them, i know i wouldnt be able to do it. so that was entertaining to watch. after that we went to snoqualmie falls! its so beautiful!
that night we went to the mariners game, it was against the rangers and they lost. it was still really fun. we got garlic fries and man they were so good but they made my stomach hurt a lot...just the kids went minus rachel and sarah. it was tons of fun. then we went to kerry park. seattle is truly beautiful.
That night i went to the johns for a woo girl sleepover. hopefully it wasn't the last sleepover. cause i love them. nothing like girl talk and dancing at the gas station on 1 am. we played scum and i was king for most of the time. so boom winner. i love these girls and i am so glad we are still friends after all this time. #woogirlsforlyfe
|| LOL || |
skip to wednesday, because tuesday i slept all day cause i was tired from the sleepover. and then i babysat that night for 6 hours and made $90! they are super rich and live in the highlands! so on wednesday we went boating ALL day. haha for like 8 hours. idk if i have been on the boat that long straight. it was super fun. it wasnt super nice out but we had sun for a little. it was just super fun. when tracie and i were tubing on the flat tube, we bounced off the other tube and i was falling off and my bottoms were falling off, like they were to my knees haha and everyone on the tubes (girls) saw my bum hahahaha. i couldnt get on the tub cause my pants fell off. it was probably the funniest moment in my life hahah. the water was SO smooth ALL day and it was so nice! i have never seen it that flat. wakeboarding was so nice. i am so blessed to have a boat because it really is my favorite activity.
|| my sex appeal: UNCONTROLLABLE [go figure] || |

So thursday was a big day in seattle. just us college students went. we went to pikes first. i love that place. we then went to nordstroms rack and i got a cute ring. and then i got emerald city smoothie. so good gosh dang. we then went to ivars and they ate there. i took lots of pictures of birds obviously haha. we then we to the curiosity shop and walked about the pier. we then took the ferry to bainbridge island. we were halfway there and it starts dumping rain! haha it was crazy but so fun! i actually love rain! we didnt even get off. we just went straight back to seattle. but there isnt anything in bainbridge really anyways without a car. and we didnt have time anyways. so then we went to the seattle center and we wanted to go to emp but then it was closing in 15 mins and it was $20 so it was good we didnt. we just walked around while we waited for my parents to get to the space needle. we went to the top and then had dinner up there. the coolest restaurant i have ever been to! it was my second time up there, the other time was brittanys 18th birthday. it is SO expensive but so good! thank you daddy! then we went home and played ticket to ride and watched sleepless in seattle.

On friday we went to the cougar zoo. it is in issaquah and it is a really nice cute little zoo. it was so nice out. we watched them feed the tigers and it was the coolest thing ever!! i loved it! tigers are my new favorite animal! they are so cute!! i want one! haha. then we watched the bird show. We then went to xxx burger. i love that place so good. i ate way too much though. then the college students and i went to seattle. we went to golden gardens and it was so lovely! i love the beach! it was just so nice putting my toes in the sand. the whole week we were pushing will and tracie together haha it was funny. they both kind of like eachother and i would try to get as many pictures of them together. then we went to gasworks. it was gorgeous. then dad took us out on lake union at night. it is my favorite thing to do. one thing was missing though, david. cause the only times i have done it, i was with david. haha i miss him a lot. anyways lauren lytle and her roommate came, and jared. it was a lovely night. we went to ivars for dinner. you can just drive your boat up next to it. it is really cool. mom made some yummy hot chocolate. it was a fun night. then we watched a movie.
we stayed up late every night watching a movie haha.
the next day we drove to yakima and went swimming all day. it was great. i love that pool. we played pool games, i felt like a kid again. mom made really good guacamole!! it was so good! grandma looked a little tired, my uncle is driving her crazy. i feel bad. i love my grandma and aunt susie. they are so funny. we had dinner and grandmas yummy pie. then we played pounce and then we drove home. It was such a fun week. i miss having them here already! it was definitely a party!